yep, I got my trackingnumber about a week ago too, the original ETA was last friday but then it got stuck in customs over the weekend. I'm a bit surprised too that nobody here has posted that they received the hoverboard...
Shipping to The Netherlands with UPS or FedEx usually takes 4 or 5 days, so it's not that much slower than within the US.
and yes, they opened the box, and it seems they forgot to put everything back in. The board was loose in the box at the back end, but I suspect that there should be a block of styrofoam to keep it in place. At least their stupid tape came off without ripping off the print on the cardboard.
first impressions:
-Looks good enough for me, but I'm not **** retentive when it comes to miniscule details.
-the board has some nice weight to it, which makes it feel less like a flimsy prop.
-the soundeffects are crap.
-the clear plastic displaystand is a nice addition, but since the board is heavy on the backside, it should have been put a bit further in the back, not in the middle. Now it looks like it's going to tip over soon.
-why did they include the handlebars with the miniature version?