Mattel Movie Masters Thread

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Looks fine to me? Unless you saw my mistake before I edited.
Yeah, I see it now.

So does Dent have the clean 2 sided coin and Two-Face the split coin, or how does this work?
Have no idea. Judging by the insert though, I'm going to assume he comes with a scarred coin.

Maybe both figures have scarred coins but they package Dent with the coin facing it's "good" side and Two-Face with the "bad". Just a thought. If that's the case they'd both make great display pieces. Glad this isn't a chase anymore.
I thought Dent was to be the regular and Two-Face the chase. I only want Two-Face so I'm just hoping he comes with the coin.
Nope. Two-Face is the regular and Dent was going to be the chase. I guess now that these aren't hitting retail they did away with the chase idea and both are going up on mattycollector.

October 15th Bank Robber Joker as a Gotham City Thug
November 15th - Prototype-suit Batman
December 15th - Harvey Dent
January 15th - Jail Cell Interrogation Joker
February 15th - Arkham Asylum Scarecrow
March 15th - Sonar/Battle-damaged Batman
April 15th - Two-Face

So Two-Face is getting pushed back even further. He's the most anticipated so far and he's DEAD last. By April it'll be what, two years since fans of been waiting for a MM figure of him?
Yeah, almost 2 years.

I can see a strategy somewhat, sell him last to encourage buys of the figures in between, but if you don't think those will sell well, why even bother making them. It's one thing I don't get in collectibles but you see it a lot, this strategy of saving the most desired thing for last to help sell other things in between, if you're so worried about selling those other things, I'd just say screw it, sell what'll sell well outright and just keep making new things that sell well. I mean we win because we get some random cool stuff mixed in, but as a business, I don't get the logic. 1 good thing, 10 so-so, 1 good, I'd think your profits would be higher with 12 good in that same time frame.
Harvey does look great, but it is disapointing to see he won't come with a clean 2 sideded coin. He is the only character that really needs to come with these "evidence" pieces. The rest have been covered just fine already. It would have been nice for Mattel to step up and actually give us a clean coin though, but they are cheap and this way Harvey and Two-face can use the same mold for it :rolleyes:
Didn't catch that. You know these are nice looking figures, but it really hurts some that they're minus accessories, hopefully TF has his pistol.
Didn't catch that. You know these are nice looking figures, but it really hurts some that they're minus accessories, hopefully TF has his pistol.

The lack of accessories has always been one of the biggest detractors of the Movie Masters series...I'd be surprised if they changed that with Two-Face.

Not that they'll ever do it, but Mattel should do a seperate accessories pack for the entire line.
Well, they gave Joker his knife, so they could give Two-Face the pistol, and at $30 a pop for these things now, they really should. I'd get dent and some of the others but at $30 for a 6-7" figure, some of them are a bit too plain for me to feel good about spending that, even Two-Face with the pistol is basic but I love the character and his TDK look.
Yeah since this is obviously a collector's line, even more so now its on Matty, they really do need to come with some decent accessories. The coin is fine with Dent/Two-face but everyone else needs accessories instead of the evidence crap. And I agree Two-face needs a pistol, as does BR Joker. Is one accessory per figure too much to ask?
Batmans I understood, but Joker's goon made no sense, even the knife compared to a gun seemed minimal for Joker.
In a perfect world this would have been a line that contained figures from ALL DC movies. It would be nice if this were a thread where people were making excuses for buying figures of Steel and Halle Berry's Catwoman just to complete their collections.

As it stands I supported the line even though I've always been very vocal re: my belief that Nolan's Batman movies are very average movies and since I have all 7 available figures including the 2 chase figures that OCD will kick in and I'll be getting the 7 overpriced* Mattycollector figures... from a film I didn't really like in the first place.

Still, if these 7 do well they might do more. I think Rachel Dawes is one of the worst characters in the history of comic book movies but I do feel that Ra's, Gordon, Alfred and Lucius are worthy characters, at least as worthy as the ones already produced. I think you could also get away with a couple Ra's variants and a SWAT Gordon is a no-brainer, plus they have all the ingredients for a regular Bruce Wayne figure.

At the very least the figures that were sculpted are getting out there, which is more than you can say for a lot of lines. A quick sellout for the upcoming 7 could result in the 5 or so figures that could further be made from the Nolan films alone and the pie-in-the-sky ideal is eventually getting figures from the Donner Superman movies, the Burton Batman movies etc.

Ultimately I like the idea of Movie Masters in general. With "Ghostbusters" there's a property I actually feel enthusiastic about (unlike TDK) and I'm hoping I'll feel the same way about "Avatar". There's a lot of potential for Movie Masters and it goes without saying that the DC films have a lot of potential beyond the overrated Nolan movies.

*as for the pricing, there's no denying that the pricing is a tough pill to swallow considering 2 factors:

1: 5 of the 7 existing figures were available in plentiful quantities for $10 or less
2: the same price gets you figures that are significantly larger in the MOTUC line

the way I see it, this is the going rate for the identically-scaled Ghostbusters figures and people don't really complain about that and it actually is true what Mattel has said about the smaller production runs. I've seen people call bull-^^^^ on that one but it really is a well-known reality of manufacturing. It sucks but it's true, and I don't believe Mattel is dusting off some existing figures and marking them up.

The fact that a chase figure like Harvey Dent is now given a "wide" release (well, one on-par with the other figures, as-opposed to a "chase" that would be in shorter supply than its counterparts) suggests to me that manufacturing ratios were revamped, otherwise I don't think they could have done anything but mix the Dent chases into the Two-Face orders.

Anyways, we're talking about $200+ when all is said and done here but if you want to see other figures (whether they're Nolan-based or from non-Nolan DC movies) you should just suck it up and buy them. Chances are you spent more money on the 2 chases than you spent on these figures.

If these figures do well for there's no reason why they wouldn't continue them. People blame Mattel on botching the line at retail but I blame the filmmakers for making a movie about a guy in a rubber bat suit that doesn't appeal to kids but Mattel has found a way to make the line work and even if its under less-than-ideal circumstances it could be a hell of a lot worse.
I don't think people complain about Ghostbusters prices because A) there really hasn't ever been anything proper from Ghostbusters the movies out there, especially of the guys and not the ghosts, and B) those figures seem a better return for you money.

With TDK, there's Hot Toys figures and a whole assortment of items from it to buy, there's no acceptance because it's not like there isn't alternatives. With TDK, it's like ok, why spend $30 each on 7" figures when for the price of a few of those I can have a much better DX Batman.

However, if Mattel did Batman 1989 in the MM line, those, like Ghostbusters, would probably get much less issues with the pricing because again, there's never been official, accurrate product from that film of the characters, people would happily pay $30 for a figure they've dreamed someone would do for 20 years.

Hopefully Mattel would be smart enough to realize this and not base future products on the success or fail of the remainder of the TDK offering. I think, if they have the license, they should do Batman only from the 1989 film, just as a test, sell him, and see how it's received and I think they'd see results that favored doing Joker, maybe even Bob the Goon and expanding into Returns. You may not get enough folks spending $30 on figures from Forever and B&R, but surely the Burton film figures could sell.