Mattel Movie Masters Thread

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Old news but I thought it would be worth mentioning that Joker actually comes with an accessory. A goofy missile launcher that they used with the 10" figure, but an accessory nonetheless.


That is news to me, but certainly welcome. A crappy accessory is better than no accessory - especially when they are going to charge you the same price regardless.
Is that certain though, are they deviating from the evidence scheme because that package mockup is lacking the slot for the evidence bag.
I wouldn't doubt it. It works for Harvey and Two-face but not really for anyone else. Sure different Joker cards would be welcome but the coin was really the only "evidence" piece needed by this point.

And that Harvey carded shot doesn't include the red evidence bag like they used to. So perhaps they really are coming to their senses!
I thought it was goofy to begin with, I'd rather weapons that enhance the figure than throw away add ins, the Joker card was the only really practical, worth holding onto "evidence" item, the Batman mask was the worst.
I'm pretty sure, here's why.

- Arkham Scarecrow doesn't have an evidence bag but it does have a mask.

- Battle-Damage/Sonar Batman doesn't have an evidence bag but it does have the cowl.

- Dent, as we know, has a coin but like the others, lacks an evidence bag.

- Bank Robber Joker as Bozo the Gotham City Thug just has the mask, one of the five Grumpy came with except it's his own this time. Again no bag.

- Prototype suit Batman (Bruce Wayne) comes with a 1/6 scale cond . . . er, ski mask and no bag.

That leaves Jail Cell Interrogation Joker with a missile launcher and Two-Face with a coin most likely. Like I previously stated it'd be a good idea for Mattel to at least , at least have the scared side showing since it's virtually the same pack in as Dent's. It'd would make for a great display.
the sonar bats is so silly, thats an easy custom no way gonna pay 30 bucks for THAT. ust go to TRU, buy a TDK bats for 3 bucks and paint eyes white. done. and are they gonna have a tie on arkham scarecrow or do you have to add your own?
Nope, no tie, which is ridiculous in my opinion. That Batman is horrible. He was never that dirty in the film and those scratches that reveal his "flesh" are just hilarious. I guess his armor is fused to his skin.

I've been into this line since the beginning so I'll no doubt get multiples of each. I'm passing on those two though.
Well, Sonar Bats may come with a sticky gun, though I have a hunch any weapons outside of a knife will just be pre-existing weapons from other figures. Thing I don't like about Sonar Bats is the battle damage, that never happened, I think it would make a more interesting movie if it did though. One thing that I dont' like about Batman movies after Burton's first is he never really gets too hurt, I mean you see bruises and stuff, but in Burton's first film when he gets up from the crash, the mask is mangled, his face is cut and bloody, I'd love to see Bale Batman pitted against a situation that really, really kicks his ass and forces him to dig down to overcome it, I think the emotional oomph that'd have would be great.
I agree on the battle damage in the films. The only movies to show as much is the first Batman movie and Mask of the Phantasm.

Oh and the Sonar Batman figure isn't coming with the sticky gun. Only figures that are getting accessories are Jail Cell Interrogation Joker and Prototype Suit Batman unfortunately. I don't see why they couldn't include just one accessory for a only a handful of figures.

- Glock for BR Joker as Bozo the Gotham City Thug

- Hand gun pistol for Harvey Dent and Two-Face

- Sticky Gun for Battle Damaged Batman

- M76 for any of the Jokers

That's it. I wouldn't want/need anymore. Surely it couldn't be that hard to make something that small. Hasbro does it for their 3 3/4" figures and packs TONS of accessories at that (GI JOE). What's one measly accessory? I mean surely those evidence pack ins cost more to make?
See, that's a big reason why GB figures are meeting well with collectors even at their price and Batman MM is not, the GB figures include weapons and things to add value to the figure.

Two-Face coming with just the 1:1 (presumably) scale coin is pointless, all the figure itself is then is just TF, awfully boring for $30. It'd seem worth the price better to me if he included a pistol and 2 left hands, one with a coin permanently sculpted in and one regular hand/pistol grip hand.

These MM figures are the most bare bones figures I've encountered. Even at retail, for not much more you could get a NECA figure at retail that comes out more realistic looking and loaded with proper accessories.

I like the look of the MM figures and I'm glad to have the ones I do, but it is a bit of a bummer that a line which could really be something is getting very bar bones treatment.
A scaled down missile launcher/RPG that came with the 10" Joker figure.
I've been sold since we saw the initial pics. Definitely getting a few of this guy.

So what's the word on Joker as Bozo The Gotham City Thug? Supposedly it's 10 more days right?
That interrogation room one doesnt look half bad. A new paint job and it'll look great. I still don't know if I can see myself buying these.
You are right about the proto to production. I was hoping it would be a bit better if they are making less of them and selling them strictly online. Still it is a better sculpt then the first joker.

I was excited as hell when I first saw the first one...
