So you have been held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime...
You've never been censored. Do you agree we can take the First Amendment from you or would you like to keep it around?
So you have been held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime...
If you can figure out how it applies, sure!![]()
Well so far you have expressed the following Marxist principles
I didn't call you a racist. I pointed out you share views espoused by the Klan. Which is true. I'm sure that's one of the "politics makes strange bedfellows" things arising out of your Objectivist leanings rather than anything racially motivated.
What seems new is the systematic effort to keep the press from being able to cover the actions being taken against the potential protesters at all by revoking media credentials, confiscating equipment, etc. This isn't just from the "potential protesters" either, but journalists from pretty mainstream sources.Standard fare for as long as I can remember. It's nothing new, and is hardly a product of the political climate under the current administration.
As a matter of fact, all of my experience with incidents like this occurred during the Clinton administration.
You've never been censored. Do you agree we can take the First Amendment from you or would you like to keep it around?
Of course the article fails to state that undecover police had infiltrated this group and new of some of the things they were planning including kidnapping.
To treat anarchist like they are innocent American ciitizens is a joke. And thanks for not so thinly veiled accusation of being racist. Here's a link.
There were plenty of peacful protestors at the convention. However, there were others that slashed tires, started fires, threw bricks through windows and maced delegates. I certainly hope that those are not constitutionally protected behaviors, and if anybody ever tried them against me, I hope the government would be there to protect me.
You're missing the point. These people were arrested before they had actually done anything, at people's homes.
So? I've also expressed capitalist principles. And in fact virtually every Republican expresses Marxist principles. Funny that. Do you have a point or are you just throwing out a buzz word?
You're missing the point. These people were arrested before they had actually done anything, at people's homes, and it's unlikely there was/is much proof that they planned to engage in vandalistic behavior as you describe. The raids were a scare actic, and they were onl partially successful.
If somebody is planning to throw a brick through my window or spray chemicals in my face, I would be perfectly happy for the police to detain them if they know about it in advance.
So if the police know a school shooting is going to take place, they are supposed to wait till it happens before they get involved. Gotcha.You're missing the point. These people were arrested before they had actually done anything, at people's homes, and it's unlikely there was/is much proof that they planned to engage in vandalistic behavior as you describe. The raids were a scare actic, and they were onl partially successful.
Metaphorge, what's your answer to this. Your defending anarchist who are throwing urine, and feces and chemicals on people. Is this what you consider a peaceful protest. What do you say, you threw this out quick enough.
The main sources for the information were "regular surveillance" of the group and three people who posed as members — two informants and an undercover investigator. The informants monitored e-mails and conversations.
Geneva Finn of the National Lawyers Guild, which represents many of those arrested, said it was hard for her to weigh the evidence in the affidavit because "it's all based on the testimony of people who are not identified, and that's a real problem."
Only one person, Vernon Alexander Rodrigues, 22, of Mt. Eden, Calif., was charged with a felony, obstruction of legal process, in Monday's protest activities.
Amy Goodman, host of the independent news program "Democracy Now!," questioned Harrington about why police arrested her and two of her producers. The producers had been reporting on Monday's arrests when they were swept up in the arrests themselves, she said.
She rushed from interviews with delegates at the Xcel Energy Center when she heard the producers had been arrested and were bloodied, Goodman said. She said she asked officers why the journalists were being detained, and they arrested her.
Goodman was cited for obstructing legal process; the producers were arrested on suspicion of felony riot.
"What is your policy with the press?" Goodman asked Harrington. "How is the press to operate in this kind of environment?"
Harrington said "if there's an unlawful assembly or we're in the midst of a riot," police announce loudly that people need to leave the area.
"If reporters fail to do that, if they are in the midst of the riot, we can't protect them," he said. "It would be very difficult for us in a moment of that kind of chaos to be able to make those kind of fine distinctions."
When I was in my late teens early twenties I smoked a little weed. It must not have been anywhere near the quality you younguns get now for you to post some of the stuff you do.
Until evidence that a crime is being committed is produced, any American citizen is an innocent American citizen, regardless of their political belief. I personally find anarchism to be an incredibly naive political philosophy, but when we start singling out people for their beliefs instead of for their actions is when we have gone too far down the merry road to fascism.To treat anarchist like they are innocent American ciitizens is a joke.
I provided a link. Your response is that the cops are lying and the charges won't stick because the undercover cops don't want to blow their cover. If you can't believe that the cops found something then I guess there is nothing to debate. The weed thing is in jest because of things I've read in this whole thread and from you who seems to be supporting the anarchist. The liberal, pacifist, anti-government feel of this thread just shocks me.Show me some actual evidence that any of the things the investigation "learned" is true. To quote from your own link:
I am going to be very surprised if any evidence actually surfaces of any of these "findings". Of course it seems some folks are quite happy to start locking everyone up merely based on suspicion with little hard evidence.
Ad hominem attacks are lame. Do you really assume someone has to be intoxicated in order to disagree with you, or is this just another cheap shot? It doesn't seem like most of the other pro-Palin people in this thread have to drop to that, are you just an unskilled debater who has to rely on such tactics to bolster your point?
You asked me for a response, and I gave it to you.I provided a link. Your response is that the cops are lying and the charges won't stick because the undercover cops don't want to blow their cover. If you can't believe that the cops found something then I guess there is nothing to debate. The weed thing is in jest because of things I've read in this whole thread and from you who seems to be supporting the anarchist. The liberal, pacifist, anti-government feel of this thread just shocks me.
So your saying that through wiretapping, the CIA picks up solid evidence that a Muslim Extremist is going to drive a car bomb through a marathon that they shouldn' try to detain him until he is in the process of doing it. And yes. I don't care if someone is black, white, asian, muslime, hindu, christian. If the police have a pretty good lead that they are up to something illegal then I think the police have grounds to stop it.Until evidence that a crime is being committed is produced, any American citizen is an innocent American citizen, regardless of their political belief. I personally find anarchism to be an incredibly naive political philosophy, but when we start singling out people for their beliefs instead of for their actions is when we have gone too far down the merry road to fascism.
You seem to be fine with persecuting people based on their beliefs with your comments about anarchists and Muslims. Who else should we preemptively lock up? Do you think John McCain would approve of such talk?
Wow, so how about that Sarah Palin?