Medicom Dark Knight Batman - Photo Thread -

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Just messing around in photobucket:


It's easy to remove it and quiet easy to place it back.
Just use an hairdryer to soften the pvc.

Come one guys don't be afraid to play with your dolls :)
No. Its why you love me buddy. ;)

Considdering the neck you can also work it out with some tweezers. The Medicom suit is made of very durable material. Seb is right. Dont be too shy. I haveworked on almost every of my figures with a knife or tweezers and the result was always what I wanted.
This is why I love this forum :clap

I agree whole heartedly. That's why when I see people getting rude with others and just being unhelpful it bums me out. I like helping boardies. I get PM's all the time asking about this or that and I've actually gone out of my way to help someone find an answer to something. It's the best thing about this place. :)

No. Its why you love me buddy. ;)

Considdering the neck you can also work it out with some tweezers. The Medicom suit is made of very durable material. Seb is right. Dont be too shy. I haveworked on almost every of my figures with a knife or tweezers and the result was always what I wanted.
Yeah, I don't mind pulling or cutting things apart and putting them back together. I've already done it to some degree on my Medi. I was just asking what to expect because I thought the soft vinyl at the base of the neck extended further out toward the chest and shoulders. I though I had to actually had to take part of the suit off to access it. But I looked it up and it's rather small. I won't have a problem getting it out.
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