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This goes out to the guys that built a Medix. Is there a reason why you switched out the RAH for a TT? Did anyone just keep the RAH?

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Are all three of us planning to or already have started to mod our Medis? I've been practising painting so I can repaint the face. I think I'm more nervous about widening the head. I'm really not sure how to do it. Other than the chest mod to make it flatter, what else is there?
Repaint belt or get HT
Bulge up body with stuffings , yummy
Apply graphite decals or paint them silverish
Cut a Custom cape but hunt down some good materials first
Get DX chest plates. Oops wrong thread. This aint the medx thread

There's really nothing to the head. It's just a shell and becomes soft once you heat it up.

Yeah. I've detailed it a few time in this thread. It really is as simple as putting it in hot water to soften it up, cut the bottom off where the neck connects and stuffing it with putty.

It's not very detailed and I think it should have included one other pic but here is what it looks like when you cut the bottom off.
Can't wait to see. Hey when you ordered your DX belt, did the tracking # work for you?

Hmm, I can't remember. If it's going throough the post the tracking will be **** anyway.

Anyway, I don't know if you know but I just bought some parts I'll need to put together a Medix. :D I revived the Medix thread but no one visited...well void did...once. :lol So I guess I'll do all my posting here. I'll try to take a lot of pics and a small tutorial. I should have my head back sometime at the end of the week but my other parts won't be here for another two. :( It's funny, I was thinking I'd have them at the end of this week as well cuz the seller said he'd ship tomorrow. Then I realized I never asked him where he lived so I did, Indonesia. :lol So it will be a while for those. But I'll fatten the neck up and take the stuffing out of the legs this weekend. :yess:
Sweet! You bought a DX chestplate and everything? Was it from Hydeous, I noticed he has some MEDX parts for sale.

Yep! :rock

I can't wait. I kept going back to his page over and over thinking about it. It wasn't until I saw Ski's repaint that I got inspired to do it. I needed a body worthy of the head. :lol If I pull it off right I think it's going to kick ass. :)

Oh, nice pics btw. Man, I love those DX stands for the DX01 and DX02. Looks awesome with your Medi.