Medicom Indy and Dr. Jones - the polite thread

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I don't completely agree about Sr... he looks damn good, don't get me wrong. But maybe its the paint work but he looks too clean and neat. Not as real-world as I would like.
Looks to me like this is a generic Indy, not one movie specified...which means that there will be no other versions? Or very few?
This will probably be it, unless they do some kind of limited Indy figure. But usually Medicom doesn't release a ton of figures for a property.
I didnt mean there is no ford likeness, there are, just not to the point where I can say they (ssc and medi) nailed it.
you sure mate?
I don't know why people keep posting the unpainted sculpt and the Photoshop "painted" version as evidence that Sideshow have nailed Ford's likeness. I agree that the sculpt is pretty damn close to perfect, but the prototype "real" painting has somehow managed to obscure that perfection.

Likeness is not just an unpainted sculpt or a Photoshop manipulation. Show me a side-by-side comparison of the proto and Harrison where they look identical and then I'll say Sideshow has nailed it.

With that said, I don't think the Medicom version is perfect either - I think their subtlety in the five-o'clock shadow is much better, but the sculpt itself does not seem as good as Sideshow (especially the over-sized hat!). And why they feel the need to pose him in every shot with his head tilted down worries me - feels like they might be trying to cover up some other greater problems. Sideshow's clothes are much better. Medicom's accessories are much better (as a less hard-core Indy fan I have no desire to spend $300+ on three different versions just to get "all" of Indy's accessories - I want a definitive version rather than movie-specific). I think it comes out as pretty much a tie between the two, except Sideshow's price is far better, which is why I'm keeping my SS Exclusive order, not ordering Medicom, and hoping I'll be able to score one of the Gentle Giant crates with the stones and grail on eBay without having to sell a kidney.
Ya know that's the thing I don't get.Trevor is a great sculptor and the unpainted sculpt looks great,there is no denying that,but here is my question.The sculpt we see unpainted,is it the original sculpt or a cast of the original? I feel something is happening in the casting process that is maybe distorting the sculpt possibly,I really don't know.I prefer Medicom's figure,but that is just me,I really like their style and am anxiously awaiting more pictures because the ones we have now are not that great.So bring on more photos!!
The painted version of SS shows IMO at least just how much better it is. The sculpt screams Ford as Indy and for me that's one of the major things that makes me NOT want the Medicom piece. I'm not saying the Medicom piece is horrible by any stretch but if I want a caricature of Indy then I'd get the Medicom figure. The jacket on it looks awesome as far as how beat up it looks. Medicom at least with the last few pieces I've gotten has seen a difference in proto paint to production paint. Especially on Jango where his looked flat and lifeless. I expect the same will happen to Indy.

SS paint apps overall have been pretty solid as of late. 4 me personally the paint apps on most of the SW pieces skin tone wise have been nice, but as of late they've really picked up even more so. Someone will say Padme but honestly her skin tone is awesome and even the eyes are painted well. Its just they're painted to the looking out the corner which I didn't care for. The likeness on this piece WILL be hard to beat.

The rest of the outfit on Indy hands down goes to SS. The shirt on the Medicom piece just looks awful. The buttons are huge and the shirt is the wrong color and the pants look to be the wrong material. These again are two areas that I think SS really did way better.

Now, if we venture into Jones Sr. Man, does that figure kick ass overall. The hat and the bow tie are the weakest things about it. I'll be curious to see how the suit comes out because it could go to crap in a hurry. The paint on him in one shot looks great and the other looks like Jango (which wasn't impressive for the price).
the other problem people keep forgetting is that sideshow photography idea is.. well... different :) Take a look, for example at the shots maulfan took, and compare them with the photos on sieshows site for any figure, and you'll see a subtle difference in how good any figure can look.
I don't know why, but their phtography philosophy just is not very flattering to their pieces.
Yeah, Sideshow photography is notorious for being a let down. I'm curious to see images of him at SDCC... I have a feeling the reaction may be a bit different.
I'm just worried Medicom's Indy head is a tad pale when its in hand. Happened to most of their human heads (ex. Wolverine, Jack Bauer, Jack Sparrow, Peter Parker, Jedi Luke, etc.) except Jango.

I think Medicom will go all out to outperform SS, just like they did to their Darth Maul (with their excessive hand poses). They're very competitive whenever another company releases a similar figure earlier (like Bruce Lee vs Enterbay).

Personally, I prefered Medicom Maul and in this case would prefer their Indy too. That is of course until HOT TOYS does an Indy!!
I don't know why people keep posting the unpainted sculpt and the Photoshop "painted" version as evidence that Sideshow have nailed Ford's likeness. I agree that the sculpt is pretty damn close to perfect, but the prototype "real" painting has somehow managed to obscure that perfection.

Likeness is not just an unpainted sculpt or a Photoshop manipulation. Show me a side-by-side comparison of the proto and Harrison where they look identical and then I'll say Sideshow has nailed it.

Umm...Okay. I think it's pretty darn close




Didnt somebody questioned about scenes where Indy had his jacket zipped up?:D
No one has commented on their necks yet. They both have those stretched out giraffe necks. You can tell the photographer is trying to conceal them by shooting them both with their heads down.
also I hope medicom have enough sense to use the multi axis hands on Indy as he uses a gun and the bullwhip!
also I hope medicom have enough sense to use the multi axis hands on Indy as he uses a gun and the bullwhip!

I wonder (didn't see so someone feel free to correct me) if the Medi Indy will come with gloved hands as the SS version does in addition to the normal skin tone ones.
Yeah nobody knows yet. Like Maul, nobody knew he came with the binocs until pics from the Japanese Wonder Fest turned up.

Indy might or might not come with gloved hands. Guess you'd have to wait longer for more pics.