Umm...Okay. I think it's pretty darn close
SS's Indy's body and outfit look pretty good.As for the sculpt,Indy looks a little swolen in the face,and has a little bit of a fat head which is SS's past trade mark(thier heads use to be fatter).That's the only thing that bothers me about it.Both Medicom figure's look great with no complaints here,except for the price,and not because I wouldn't pay that much for a figure,I just wouldn't pay that much for an Indy figure.I'm not really into Indiana Jones.That being said,I will most likely buy one of these figures and that's it.Which one I get will depend on what else comes out and what looks the best.So far the Medi Indy looks to be the winner,but like I said,I won't deside till these things finally get released.