A couple of thoughts.
1. That Hasbro Jango is frigging awesome! It is a brilliant sculpt, and any good customizer should be able to do wonders with it.
2. How come a short Jango or Boba Fett are ok, but short Stormtroopers - who are supposed to be clones - are frowned upon? I've never been thought all stormies were clones, but I just find it funny that people scream for a Stormtrooper with Jango's visage and tall!
3. What is all this lack of love for SST? I've never been the biggest fan of SST, but let's keep some perspective, shall we? SST is still doing some awesome figures and I hope they keep at it for a while. If they can up their game on some aspects and stay on top on others, we'll be having many more wonderful figures. Let's see some constructive criticism, please.
I still love you SST!
Yeah, I might switch over to many more Medicom SW figures, but there's plenty of room for both companies.
Medicom has followed SST's lead in human likeness, I'm sure SST will pick up a few lessons from Medicom.
Rock on!