Mega Man Action Figures

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How cool would a MMX4 Reaper form Sigma be? That would be awesome to display with Ultimate Armor X and Zero v2. That would have been a better fit for the ZERO line as well.

I got Zero v1 the other day.. finally grabbed him. I got him to display with Megaman & Bass since he is technically of that time line. It's also reminded me just how much I like that classic streamlined look. I'm not really a fan of the changes Capcom made to Megaman X & Zero in the later games.
Not an action figure, but I got my copy of Mega Man Official Complete Works today. This is one awesome art book.

Sega Genesis is awesome, but SNES is just something else entirely. For me it's nostalgia and all of the great games and characters. I love Sega too, and I stuck with them through Dreamcast. I used to go into the used cd and video game stores in Ohio when I was at school up there looking for good, cheap SNES games. Which is where I got MMX for $10 (it's not the best looking copy but it plays). I always played my friends SNES as all I had until I got a Playstation was an NES and Gameboy. You can't beat those afternoons after school playing Zelda, Megaman, Mario RPG, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong, etc. Just so many cool games. Another friend of mine had a Sega Genesis though, and I remember we played a lot of Sonic and other games. Plus there was always the arcade and the fighting games.. Anyway.. Super OT.. I apologize.
SNES is still my favorite console:

Chrono Trigger
Link to the Past
Mega Man X
Super Mario World

Just to name a few.
Hey everyone,

Have a favor to ask. If anyone has an extra d arts zero type 2 or knows where to get one for a decent price I would greatly appreciate it. I was able to pick up a rerelease d arts x but dont think they will offer zero type 2 again. If anyone can help me out please let me know.

Hey everyone,

Have a favor to ask. If anyone has an extra d arts zero type 2 or knows where to get one for a decent price I would greatly appreciate it. I was able to pick up a rerelease d arts x but dont think they will offer zero type 2 again. If anyone can help me out please let me know.


I've been watching these too... missed the first round and can't afford one. If you get a lead on some reasonable ones I would love to know :peace I think I'll wait for a hopeful reissue!
To be expected, pretty cool. I wonder if we'll see anything new this summer at the shows..

Okay, this kind stinks. I went back and looked at the SDCC stuff. We were shown X2 Fake Zero before, now we're getting X4 Black Zero. It's easy to get confused, I was for awhile because it's been yeeeeaars since I've played X2. I don't know.. feels like lame to be shown the more interesting variant, Fake Zero, then get X4 Zero. X4 is my favorite MMX game, but at the same time.. ah well. Still pretty cool.
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