Metal Gear Rising [Revengeance]

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Yeah, the MGS2 HD rendering is really nice looking, probably the most "attractive" male character as far as renders go. He's definitely no Solid Snake, but I honestly think I prefer him to Naked Snake.

Hot Toys really has the chance to do something awesome here, as isn't a whole lot of room for MGS customs because of the elaborate costumes (aside from MGS1 anyway). So far they don't seem to be handling the MGS property as well as they could, but I have faith at this point. MGS5 could turn out to be a young Solid Snake title, and that might bode well for us. I'd love to see Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, and Raiden made asap.

The MGS2 HD render, I love how the Skull Suit is done, it's so realistic looking. As with all the HD renders, it makes the characters seem real, the different materials of the outfits is phenomenal. And so far, HT has done an excellent job capturing that in 1/6 with Boss and Snake. That's why I'm glad they did those two, because like you said, the outfits in MG are so elaborate that they are hard to customize and look right on, and not like a custom if that makes sense.

And I agree, I think all of us do, that HT is handling it poorly at this point. A line with so much potential for success, awesome character designs that would translate into awesome figures and they are really dropping the ball. Hope they prove us wrong!
Yeah, I'm glad to get Naked Snake and Boss (though they really need to fix her face.. wtf..), they are starting off on an odd foot. I agree about the HD renders. I wish more games that had been ported were in HD.

If Hot Toys does decide to do MGR figures, I hope they just do Raiden and not waste any time giving us Solid Snake (and it better not be Old Snake before young Snake).
Yeah, I'm glad to get Naked Snake and Boss (though they really need to fix her face.. wtf..), they are starting off on an odd foot. I agree about the HD renders. I wish more games that had been ported were in HD.

If Hot Toys does decide to do MGR figures, I hope they just do Raiden and not waste any time giving us Solid Snake (and it better not be Old Snake before young Snake).

Have you seen the HD renders for MGS3? So nice!

And yeah, if they do MGR I'm sure they will only do Raiden, though I would buy the other characters, just because they would be cool figures. They don't scream MGS to me, but they are cool nonetheless. I do like that guy that Raiden is fighting with the long hair and similar exosuit.

HT MGS2 Solid Snake or GTFO! But a proper Old Snake would be amazing.
I really hate the HD renders myself. Raidens one is o.k(suit is very nice) Eva and BigBoss' one with the beret nice but all the others are dog **** imo

A Metal Gear Rising Raiden would be epic. So much detail, wow. Id prefer to get some damn Solid Snakes and MGS2 Raiden first.
Ill be an old man by the time we get these at the rate they're going!
Yeah, Solid Snake and MGS2 Raiden before anyone else and we'll be going well. If Hot Toys is going to take on so many properties they really need to expand their work force. The Video Game line is really suffering at the moment, which is a shame.
Definitely taking them way too long to release the figures. The announcement was in DEC 2010 right? Really hope they are released before the end of the year.

TGS Trailer in English. The voice acting is cringe worthy at times.....but the action.............................O_O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess that I should stop looking at this as being "Metal Gear" :monkey1. Looks cool, but I was never interested in the Devil May Cry, or Ninja Gaiden games, so I'll probably pass on this.

Oh, and what's up with the fat, bald, hick cyborg assaulting the black guy? It's probably the lamest and most stereotypical character design that I've ever seen :lol
The Collectors Edition Item

"The Collector's Edition will include a soundtrack, special packaging and the below High Frequency Plasma Lamp with a model of Raiden's High Frequency blade inside!"

bare with me cause im really drunk at this point. i think that mgs revengeance is gonna be awesome in its own right. i like the angle its going for. i like the fact the once again we have raiden as the protagonist. i loved bayoneta and vanquish. i have the PAK figs for both. i think that id get any fig from this line because theey are all cool i really like the chick with all the three legged thingy arms. she seems so bad ass. i dont really get all the hate this game is getting. there will always be ss and bb games. let raiden finish his story. if he sucks then oh well. you know theyll always have some cool mgs stealth game in the works that will be true to the story like always. i dont really think this game will be so bad, hideo is smarter than that id like to believe anyhoow.
agreed - reminds me of the VANQUISH gameplay, fast, furious, with lots of button mashing in strategic patterns - it'll be a first day buy for me.
Raiden Doesn't need Stealth anymore .. well most likely, as he appeared on MGS 4 he went to face the enemies head on .. so why would they change the way he battles in MGS 4 due to his cyborg body to stealth again? the guy can battle with his teeth

i Hope they show some of his story to what happened to him Between MGS 2 & MGS 4, how he turned from Human to Cyborg
Raiden Doesn't need Stealth anymore .. well most likely, as he appeared on MGS 4 he went to face the enemies head on .. so why would they change the way he battles in MGS 4 due to his cyborg body to stealth again? the guy can battle with his teeth

i Hope they show some of his story to what happened to him Between MGS 2 & MGS 4, how he turned from Human to Cyborg

:exactly: i wanna know that too. it was such a far jump. theres plenty missing. also i wanna know about the jack the ripper days too.
I just played the demo that came with the ZOE HD. I like it and I look forward to getting it, just the story seems a little ridiculous and the technology is becoming very alien to the MGS franchise, which is a bad thing IMO. MGS was always based on currently pursued technology and most of it was practical, it's out the window completely in MGR.