Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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Courtesy of Rad Toy Review...

OMG, im soo hard right now! Metal Gear Ray sculpt!!! Oh yes.

Im lovin Rex but id prefer a grey color (like the in-game model) rather than this green :S
I have the McF figure as well and I'd also say it is orange. This is the first time I have ever heard someone say it's pink. Someone commented on my flickr account that they thought it was blue and red (was that you IOE?).

Nah, that wasn't me. But even in your reply to that guy, you used a screen shot from TS. All I've been arguing is that the original '98 game used a color scheme that was pink and blue/grey. The screen shots and video I posted speak for themselves; I don't know how to make it any clearer that the original color scheme had no orange anywhere on the Ninja character.

I'm not diggin' the barf-green color on REX. Hopefully it's just discoloration from the photo.

Edit: Actually, it probably is discoloration, as the lights look purple in this photo, when they're supposed to be blue :lol.

Here's the color alterations done to the photo, and while it looks better, it's still not dark enough imo.

Nah, that wasn't me. But even in your reply to that guy, you used a screen shot from TS. All I've been arguing is that the original '98 game used a color scheme that was pink and blue/grey. The screen shots and video I posted speak for themselves; I don't know how to make it any clearer that the original color scheme had no orange anywhere on the Ninja character.

Here's the color alterations done to the photo, and while it looks better, it's still not dark enough imo.


Ah, thanks. Much better.
On another note, it looks as if RAY is help up with a display stand. I thought that ThreeA figures never used stands.

Probably because without the tail it is out of balance, I doubt the final product will need a stand.
IdeaOfEvil: What you're not accounting for is lighting. There is a lot of heavy blue lighting in the original MGS. For example, I do believe this screenshot is from the first game. If you color sample the "white" portions of the costume they are very blue veering towards green.


So when you sample the orange portions, they have that same color space added to the orange which negates the yellow so you end up with a sort of rose color.


If you adjust the white balance keying off the white helmet you get what I think is a much more accurate color scheme. It's a desaturated ruddy orange but it's still orange. Not to mention of course every single other appearance of Fox since that first game has had him in blue and gold.


IdeaOfEvil: What you're not accounting for is lighting. There is a lot of heavy blue lighting in the original MGS. For example, I do believe this screenshot is from the first game. If you color sample the "white" portions of the costume they are very blue veering towards green.

So when you sample the orange portions, they have that same color space added to the orange which negates the yellow so you end up with a sort of rose color.

If you adjust the white balance keying off the white helmet you get what I think is a much more accurate color scheme. It's a desaturated ruddy orange but it's still orange. Not to mention of course every single other appearance of Fox since that first game has had him in blue and gold.

I see your point, but you're arguing semantics now. Whether or not you wanna call the original Ninja color scheme "pink," the fact is that the Play Arts Kai figure doesn't represent anything near the original color scheme. You can say all you want about art books and original intentions, but the fact is that the original game gave Ninja a pink and blue scheme; hell, let's call it "bologna and blue" colors.

The Ninja figure is orange, flat out, while even your screen grabs show him as being a hue of the red color spectrum.

I've been reading this discussion all day, and I would like to add my own point-of-view.

First, while everyone has great points, I have to agree with IdeaOfEvil, for the most part. While the color in-game is not EXACTLY pink, it is much closer to a VERY red-orange color than to anything else.

I've been trying to track down a scan from The Art of Metal Gear Solid, in which Koji Shinkawa states, while discussing the Cyborg Ninja, that his two favorite colors are pink and purple, which is why so much of his art is mostly just those two colors.

But the biggest problem with the color scheme of the Play Arts Kai figure is the metallic sheen. Because it was virtually impossible for the PlayStation to display an effect of that kind, this effect looks very out of place on the figure. Not because it looks bad, but because we've never seen a sculpture or any physical Gray Fox item with this kind of coloring.

Here are two officially licensed Gray Fox figurines, and one is painted in the 'not quite orange' color, and the other is more orange than not:



So I guess no one is actually wrong, though I like the red-orange color much better than regular orange.

It is worth noting, too, that the Play Arts figure differs somewhat noticeably from Shinkawa's designs, the major differences being the 'power packs' on the hips and the cable connected to the sword.

And here's a last picture I just took with both the Play Arts and the McFarlane Foxes:

Gray Fox' color is the same color as Crayola's "flesh" colored crayon. Not sure who's flesh color it is but whatevs.