Yep, north west EnglandKiva are you from the UK??
Yep, north west EnglandKiva are you from the UK??
Yep, north west England
Cumbria,I thought you were. North West as in like Yorkshire? it's just every time i see you talk about money it's always in $ so it threw me off haha
Most folk here deal in $ and as i can translate £ to $ off top of my head i just use it for simplicity. I think theres only 3 of us in here from the UK who are active in discussion to the thread
Most of us are. Im happy with the people in general here. Whenever i go to London it doesnt feel like you exist. People dont make eye contact, say hello or anything unless you are being served at a counter. The last time i was in London i was leaning over fastening my shoes and on my way up i made eye contact with somebody so i said hello and they looked at me like i had 3 heads.Been over working in Cumbria a few times.
You guys are alllllllllllllright.
Don't give into temptation. Get one Raiden and be done with it. It's a money pit.