Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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yesss coolant spray verry funny! and the gru outfit if wear it outside the shell core, they would ask "why are u here" and all funny lines. i missed all these things in mgs3 even tho it was a great game, but it was not as funny as mgs2.

Haha, yeah. I would also use the wrong weapon. They'd be like "hey you! What weapon is that?" Then I run into a locker and hide, and they just look puzzled at me.

To answer your thumbnail question, I'm not sure, it appears everyone here hosts with another website like Photo bucket or something.
Welcome Mr Solid!

Always great to see more fan's joining the forums to participate. The MGS section here is growing :)

Nice collection too!
How do you post bigger picture other then tumbnail?
Upload the images to a website such as and then copy and past the images URL in to -

[ img ] image link here [ / img ]

(but with no spaces between anything. ive spread it out just so you can read it)

Or go to reply/quote underneith somebodies post to see the text used for example on the image below


As it will appear with the [ img ] stuff you need to use
Welcome Mr-_-SolidSnake, though I doubt that's your real name.

That's a great collection, with some pretty hard to find stuff, you ought to be proud. Enjoy your stay and post more pics!
I like your collection too. That portable ops premium package is real hard to find. If you can its almost $600. I like the rarer stuff like that.

sent from a tormented past
For the people who bought the rio:bone tripods, i haven't seen any listed on eBay yet at all! I don't see how anyone knew about them. They weren't advertised at all IMO. It strikes me as odd that there were never pre orders on the bay and no one overseas has put up a listing. The only ones were from the premium package and they're $110 what a rip off. I bought 3 sets and i think I've decided on keeping 1 unopened set for my display cabinet since i opened my premium package set. If anyone in the USA is interested I'm selling 2 sets for $60 shipped each or both $100 shipped. If anyone is interested please pm me. Mine are in route and are expected to arrive in the beginning of next week. Thanks.







sent from a tormented past
Upload the images to a website such as and then copy and past the images URL in to -

[ img ] image link here [ / img ]

(but with no spaces between anything. ive spread it out just so you can read it)

Or go to reply/quote underneith somebodies post to see the text used for example on the image below


As it will appear with the [ img ] stuff you need to use

You just reminded me of my undying love of the legacy of kain series and how i begged my mother for those figures when they just came out and she kept saying no hahaha.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 4
You just reminded me of my undying love of the legacy of kain series and how i begged my mother for those figures when they just came out and she kept saying no hahaha.
Ive wanted these for like 12 years and decided to treat myself a few days ago to them! Im also tempted to buy the Dumah from the same line, he is like 13" tall with light up eyes and looks pretty much bang-on game accurate too.
Sorry bud, and its a set. I might be inclined to send where you are seeing youre a ssf forum member. Ill only sell them as a set.

sent from a tormented past
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Thank u all for nice welcome to this wonderfull forum :) And thank u kiva for explaining images. bankok_wolf i got them loose from a dutch website

I just purchased these a few hours ago


And these last week, they are still traveling towards me



"Soon after Todd Mcfarlane saw these samples, he wanted the colors to be darker and to add a wash. There were three different sets, pale, medium and bright, as far as color go. All three can be had with no wash. Then came the medium with a wash and the bright set with a wash."

this is the info the seller gave me, any1 know if this true? so far the only info i found on internet was a youtube comment where some1 mentioned that the 2nd wash is hard to get.
My lady is at Dragon Con in Atlanta this weekend and I can't go because I have to work. I've never been to a big convention like that. Have any of you guys scored any good deals at conventions? I need to make sure she picks up some stuff for my collection but she's no expert when it comes to MGS. However we did throw together a pretty good MGS1 Meryl outfit for her last minute.
That really is a lovely repaint of Old Snake.
Soooooooooo jealous. I couldn't paint my way out of a wet paper bag, with scissors in my hands.

You can always commission someone that could do the job for you. Look around the boards for any painters for hire. I'd do it for you but I'm really far away. It's embarrassing to have the stock head. :lol