Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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I wish threeA would get the license for making other mgs 1:6 figures.
Loving what they are doing with the Halo line.

I can imagine them doing a killer Fatman, Psycho and Ninja. All in fact.
GIVE THEM THE DAMN LICENSES! On second thoughts we might have to wait even longer than if HT were doing it if their 2000AD line is anything to go by.
Pointing out that you utterly refuse to use the edit button is trolling, gotcha.

No one wants to see blocks of the same member over and over. You've been here since 09, you ought to know better.
Pointing out that you utterly refuse to use the edit button is trolling, gotcha.

No one wants to see blocks of the same member over and over. You've been here since 09, you ought to know better.

Seriously dude you come across as such an ostentatious SOB with your pedantic posts. Live a little. I couldn't care less how many times I post. I usually post from work on my break times and don't get to check the forum for days on end or even years on end (hence member since '09).

So usually it's because I am responding to things wrote days ago and I have multiple windows open.

I edited this post several times just for you!
Seriously dude you come across as such an ostentatious SOB with your pedantic posts. Live a little. I couldn't care less how many times I post. I usually post from work on my break times and don't get to check the forum for days on end or even years on end (hence member since '09).

I don't know how to quote multiple posts. Every time it comes up weird on here like when I quote somebody quoting somebody else.
The original quote disappears.

Works PC is terrible. Terrible internet speed and the pc is only one of them that's slightly larger than a blu ray case. Awful thing, so editing posts sometimes hangs.

I don't come on here because I like this forum. I come on here because I like this thread.
Or did like this thread. You really are turning me off it.
I don't know how to quote multiple posts. Every time it comes up weird on here like when I quote somebody quoting somebody else.
The original quote disappears.

Works PC is terrible. Terrible internet speed and the pc is only one of them that's slightly larger than a blu ray case. Awful thing, so editing posts sometimes hangs.

I don't come on here because I like this forum. I come on here because I like this thread.
Or did like this thread. You really are turning me off it.

Here's an example that may be able to help you out: If you're quoting three people, click the "Multi" button on the first message (it's right next to the "Quote" button). The letters on the button should light up yellow when you click it. Then, click "Multi" on the second message. Finally, on the third message, click "Quote". You always have to click "Quote" (not "Multi") on the final message, and you'll be taken to the Reply box.
That was quite helpful. I have been here for ... I don't remember & didn't bother checking before writing this :lol
I have never known how to use the multiple quote function and have always been quoting people one by one and then write all the reply in one go (open in new pages > write > cut and close the page> paste on another page... rinse & repeat :lol ). Rather ignorant of me [somehow, I feel aged like Old Snake] but this is the only forum I am on that has this function (or it isn't ...)

On another note, my Naked Snake (square camo) has turned in to Big Boss .... as his left arm came off. Having a problem on getting the medicom neck off the body... what did they use to put the screw in :gah:
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