Everyone loves Nolan don't they. Predator obviously does well along with the obvious Iron Man.
I don't mind Nolan but I've had my fill of then 5 different Batmans and as many Jokers.
I can't really say as I'm not really sure, all I know is there's 5 different Bale Batmans and 5 Jokers, 6 with the upcoming Armory and TF Joker. Which is mental really - with only 2 other versions of Batman being released and 2 teased for years now with nothing to show

that speaks volumes of the sales and which make them the real money.
Predators have come and gone. All different kinds and some sold better than others
HT could turd out an Iron Man and everyone would lap it up, I don't see them going anywhere soon.
It stinks but it's what the majority of people who buy HT buy. Cuz they make so much money off them everything else has to get crammed in between these releases and I'm sure returns comes above AC batman now so they must just think why?
Maybe it'll come, or maybe they'll do the new AK version. Who knows? it's just blatantly obviously what the money makers are otherwise why release so many
I'm surprised Raiden actually got produced really, which still gives me hope for everything else
Hence why i've sucked it up and gone the custom route for most of my MGS needs. it's mega expensive sure but with it being my favourite franchise and me wanting to have high end MGS figures in my collection, i just accepted my fate.