Presumably, whenever the characters in MGS1 and 2 were referencing BB, it would probably refer to:
-Ocelot talking about the real BB since he knew both.
-Liquid unknowingly was referring to Venom since he (never?) met the real BB. But then again, which BB was the one who called him "inferior"?
-Since Solid was trained by Miller, that naturally means that the BB that trained him was 100% Venom, NOT BB.
-Wolf might have met either Bosses.
-Mantis knew of the decoy since he could read minds.. but why didn't he told Liquid? Even in MGS1?
Also, how did BB formed FOXHOUND when his decoy was clearly operating Diamond Dogs? Wouldn't someone eventually put tow and two together?
This series is s cluster***!![]()
****. Now that you really read into it with Venom, it really deconstructs the series in the worst possible way. Why couldn't it just be a Big Boss game, and only a Big Boss game? Just have him do some ****** things for his "greater good" and have him become a vengeful prick toward the Patriots and governments in general?
It didn't need this overly convoluted, needless decoy nonsense. The canon plot showed he did return to the US to command FOX HOUND... so he more or less was on speaking terms with the US... so Venom is worthless.