I usually don't like watching other people play video games very much, but since I really respect your knowledge on all things MGS, I decided to check this out. It was a pretty cool watch and listen; I enjoyed it, and also learned some stuff I hadn't realized before. Seeing you dismantle Ocelot in about the time it takes me to sneeze made me feel like crap, though.Thanks for posting the vid here; I probably wouldn't have come across it elsewhere. Hope you do more MGS ones.
Not sure where to post this, so this thread should be the most related.
Best Kojima quote ever
"if we are going to make a sequel to Rising it should feature Frank Yaeger as a main character versus zombies... but they seem to be ignoring me."
"I said I'll even write the story for it, but our story writer said, 'no that's ok, that's ok. Don't worry about it'."
full article: https://www.videogamer.com/news/kojima-wants-metal-gear-rising-2-to-star-cyborg-ninja-gray-fox
Any game is Dawn of the Dead if you replace the enemies with zombies, though.
This is why I don't understand why all the beta males that joined the **** Konami train think MGSurvive is somehow the first game of the series to have zombies... they've existed as far back as 1987 in the series...
RIP Fatman, the second MGS2 VA to pass away this year.
That's the word of God, not me. Kojima was writing essays on the movies that made MGS, so he was writing an entire essay on DOTD in relation to MGS: