Enough already, how much more watered down can they make Big Boss get?
It looks like they regurgitated the 3DS render for his face.
Was Kojipro rendering MGS2 or the infamous Japanese dancing video? WTF man?
I think it's pretty strange how MGS 4 turned out the way it did, given the amount of years that it spent in development. The storyline was dreadful, with single most lazily written cop-out explanation for every mystery in the series (ahem, nanomachines?).
But, unfortunately, I think krec is right. The majority of folks in this fanbase just keep pandering for more MGS, and they can't let the series die in peace. Until they start growing up, it seems like Kojima can't get a break to work on anything else.
I think the story completed with MGS4, so everything else is take it or leave it. Being this is being released after the main story, I'll just view it as a interesting what if, if I don't care for it. I love Ground Zeroes, so I'm very excited for MGSV. I like them all, despite the issues.