Is that really his name?
Arm-Fall-Off-Boy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's DC's secret weapon to the film war

Is that really his name?
Hey hey, live action Dragonball was excellent...
Sick of Scar Jo, she thinks she's the next Milla. But that doesn't say a whole lot.
Since were getting obscure as hell Marvel films of characters no one cars about, how about Arm-Fall-Off Boy?
Sick of Scar Jo, she thinks she's the next Milla. But that doesn't say a whole lot.
Milla Jovovich I actually buy as an action lead, even in terrible films. Scarlett Johansson on the other hand, should really stick to serious acting - she can be good at that, but she's never convincing for a moment as Black Widow. Speaking of which, why didn't they get a Russian/Eastern European actress for that part?
Milla Jovovich I actually buy as an action lead, even in terrible films. Scarlett Johansson on the other hand, should really stick to serious acting - she can be good at that, but she's never convincing for a moment as Black Widow. Speaking of which, why didn't they get a Russian/Eastern European actress for that part?
I've bought her since Fifth Element. And everything is lazily Americanized, they can't be bothered with truthful adaptions.
And Milla is actually Russianalthough I would think she's a bit old for the character at this point.
Wow this thread derailed.
It reminds me of the Sony leaks claiming they wanted Idris Elba for the next James Bond: if Hollywood wants to do a film about a black British super spy, or a white American female combat cyborg - create a new property. Don't hamfistedly bastardise someone else's creative intent simply for 'brand recognition'. It also doesn't cut both ways - they can't call fans of Ian Fleming's work racists for not wanting a black version of the character, just as they aren't immune from criticism of the inherent racism in whitewashing a fundamentally Asian creation like Ghost in the Shell or Akira.
No No! Complaining about it makes it racist
Hollywood nowadays, love bastardizing everything to pander to minorities. I don't care what color a "super hero" is, but don't siphon off fame off pre-established characters.
Making Goku White, still makes me want to projectile vomit.
If they love pandering to minorities so much, why do they seem to hate Asians?
I don't get it. Asian cinema's regarded as having produced some of the best films of the last few decades, they're a fairly substantial demographic of the US population, China's the biggest emerging market for film and yet they seem to get nothing Hollywood-wise. Being an Asian actor trying to make it in America must be absolute suffering.
Asian cinema is definitely ahead of Hollywood with their film content, and don't care how gruesome they can make their films... which is why they're superior.
Asian actors really don't go far in Hollywood. Who's the last, really famous actor you can name? Jackie Chan? Byung Hun Lee is in Terminator and the GI Joe films, but he hasn't been a standalone success by any stretch in the West.
Watanabe is good, although the only movies I've seen of his from the West were The Last Samurai and Batman Begins.
Hiroyuki Sanada is pretty fantastic. He's so interesting to just watch him act.
I loved him in the Ring films as Ryuji. I think my mother developed a slight crush on him![]()
My girl loves his facial hairIt's perfect, you see no skin between the hair at all.
I understood it from the moment I joined here and started talking to him and Solidus. Believe me, I almost gave up on this franchise until I met you all, the few people (if not one person, I can't recall) from a forum I went on who were diehard MGS fanatics killed it for the rest of the forum. Including me, where I pretty much just figured 'ehh why the **** not'I never understood Pliss' hatred for the MGS fanbase (or part of it) until I started watching Avatar and knew the fanbase of that franchise
I don't know which one's worse.