You know that one too/Mod
Well, that would suck then. I hate playing these damn games when nobody says anything.
It did especially when I played team deathmatch and find that they don't help each other.
Well, that would suck then. I hate playing these damn games when nobody says anything.
The online setup went really fast, definitely surprised me. I think we'll all communicate just fine.
I'm really excited about the online aspect of this, and definitely feel that this could be a major game for us all. There are lots of things you can do to keep it fun.
I agree.
My wireless connection has been messing up the past couple of days so I think I am just gonna run an ethernet cable to my PS3 that way I dont get dropped out of matches.
It did especially when I played team deathmatch and find that they don't help each other.
My wireless connection has been messing up the past couple of days so I think I am just gonna run an ethernet cable to my PS3 that way I dont get dropped out of matches.
I have my 360 and PS3 both wired, and the connection worked really well for me on the MGSO match last night.
My 360 is wired and works great and PS3 used to work perfect online as did the Wii. About a month ago my Wii would not connect to my router but the PS3 and my sons computer would still connect to it. A week ago both the PS3 and my sons computer will connect and then lose connection so I think its my router.
Yep, I can tell you it's definitely your router. On the side sometimes, me and a couple buddies install AV equipment and computer networks in houses for some extra scratch, so I can tell you it's your router.
I'll check around some local stores to see if any of them have it.
Still have to follow the crowd huh?![]()
Still have to rebel against a good game huh?![]()
Still have to follow the crowd huh?![]()
Still have to rebel against a good game huh?![]()
I am not really to be honest. I just wasted money on the "game of the year" with GTA4. I bought Vegas 2 and COD4 whcih are both shooters. I really just don't want to drop $60 on another shooter type game. Before people go off the deep end, I am sure it's a great game and more than "just a shooter", but I just really have no desire to get it or play it.
Have you played MGS before? They aren't just typical shooters. It's more espionage stuff.
Nope, never played a single one of them. Liek I said earlier as well, the story is totally foreign to me so I'd feel "lost" as well.
In all honesty, until I started gaming with the Freaks I was pretty much a "sports only" gamer. It was always hockey, madden, MLB and the like for me. Halo 3 was the first "shooter" I bought in...well....ever. Since then I have bought several and some I have loved and other traded in quickly. I love Gears, but am a little "over" other shooter style games right now.
I'm glad that you are a sports gamer.
Because it won't give you an excuse when I bury you in Madden![]()