I would buy these but Mezco doesn't seem to be making any other character. Walter awesome but it'd be weird to just have him on my shelf and not Jesse . Idk they haven't made him. Ill probably cave and get him anyway .
No thanks. I dont want to see Walter in every single look he had in the show spread out over 8 different series like the retard Predator line.
No thanks. I dont want to see Walter in every single look he had in the show spread out over 8 different series like the retard Predator line.
Great pictures!
I notice they only advertise the bobblehead and the plush dolls but not Walt in the yellow suit. I know there was the SDCC exclusive in the collectible box but I thought the yellow suit Walt would also be released.
It appears they were going for this.I thought so too. The only other Walt available for preorder as of now is an Exclusive previews figure with a blue hazmat suit, which sucks in a way since he never wore blue just the yellow and red.