bummed. BBTS cannot replace my defective Px Batmanluckily have another on order at entertainment earth but wondering what to do? will BBTS offer me anything to keep the defective figure?
Really? Why won't they replace it?

bummed. BBTS cannot replace my defective Px Batmanluckily have another on order at entertainment earth but wondering what to do? will BBTS offer me anything to keep the defective figure?
exactly right.
i have a back up on order at entertainment earth so may keep the defective one to display.....if bbts will give me a break on the price?
first time this **** has happened to me so i can't really complain.
must admit though that these figs have made me realize how much i prefer the 6" scale. lots more fun than 12"
sucks but if the body was molded in the same skin colored plastic as the face then that could have been the start of a cool battle damage ver!
Someone on another message board did this, looks really nice. They didn't even do any damage to the figures.
View attachment 178761
How? That could be the key to prepare or repair the messed up suits.
It'd be cool to have a tutorial of how to remove the gloves and boots.
The guy just popped the boots off easily since they're removable any way. He said the trunks slip right off. The hard parts are the gauntlet gloves, hand pegs and the cowl collar. He said he just heated them up with a blow dryer and gently pulled them off. No damage, no problems.
And I though I bought too many of themlook at this guy!