In general, sometimes close, sometimes not. In my opinion, I don't see them doing an entire set again as PX exclusives. I think mostly because that's too much for retailers to deal with. I think this will be it. They haven't done very many PX exclusives lately, I just checked and the last couple they put up for order were Batman Supreme Knight, Harley Quin, and Hellboy, all at the end of 2019. In your previous post you mentioned just wanting Reed; I'd just buy the set and sell off the figures you don't want. I've seen tons of people say 'I just want xyz' out of the set, and it's been every character, so people will buy. HERBIE will probably go for $80.
If I buy it I'll keep it, I'm not breaking up the set. And I suppose you're right, it'd be pretty weird to do another 400$+ set as an exclusive. Maybe they'll do a solo Reed at some point? I think something like the Maker would sell. It's just that I've never had much love for the classic suits. I'm probably one of the 10 people on Earth who like MangaVerse F4 though... There have been modern versions that have used the same colour scheme, but I think the Mezco ones came out looking a bit too much like pajamas. On the one hand I'll need something to pair with my Doom, and it'll be a grail FF piece. On the other while I greatly enjoy the books and concepts, I always read it for Reed and Doom. Not that I hate the others, it's just that they're window dressing. I prefer Valeria for example to Ben, Sue & Johnny. I get why they went with the classic suits, as they're the defacto ones, unless you're from the white & blue era. I just don't want to commit to it and have them do a Future Foundation set next month. Maybe I'll wait until they show their Doom. I figure they'll milk him, so I'll need to have the cash for at least two versions. One:12 isn't even a line I collect and I already have 1/6th stuff on PO. It's just that I buy Doom in all scales and mediums, and sometimes I follow suit with the rest of the FF-Verse if I have the cash. And unless they royally screw up the casting, this means that I'll need around 1K minimum for the HT versions, Doom excluded.
I'll keep thinking about it. I don't want to get into O12, but Doom's a sure buy and I'm this close to buying a Constantine since he was my go-to during my edgy teen years. There are a couple of characters that I want in multiple versions and sometimes that creates problems, especially with starting new lines. I love Iron Man, but the figures are always plastic with some diecast so there's never this "wow" factor for me as there is with more traditional, clothed figures with HS and soft goods. It's why I still only have one HT Iron Man. But if I get Doom, then the FF, then JonCon, and so on, where does it stop? I love Deathstroke, but the only O12 I can find on eBay is the PX one, and he goes for 250 euros minus shipping! If I get a 1/12th for every 1/6th I've got or for every character I like and want in 1/6th I'll need to waste thousands on playing catchup alone. Not to mention that I have 1/6ths of characters purely as sentimentality while not being a particularly big fan these days. This completionist mindset really screws with me sometimes. I've got the HT, then I'll need the statue, then the 1/12th, then... If it's a comic property I tie it in with the Omnis/Absolutes too, and then I basically need a shelf for every character. It's a slippery slope, at least in my case. If you manage to confide it to a Top 5 it's doable to dip into other lines once in a while, but I have a habit of getting carried away and changing my likes/dislikes in media pretty swiftly, so it's risky for me.
Anyway, I'm rambling again. Thanks for the response, it helps to have some context. Maybe I'll just wait for their Doom(s) and see where I go from there.