Super Freak
Not so self-aware after all...
This site is about talking about toys, there should never be an assumption that all the talk or most of it will be positive. I personally like to read all opinions positive and negative. The only time I think the train comes off the rail is when we start name calling. Then it gets personal.
I've never understood the need of some guys to defend the manufacturers though. Sometimes they seem to take negative comments about the manufacturers personal.![]()
started reading thunderbolts where frank wears the red skull vest-
kinda cool for those interested to know is that armor plate is gamma radiated making it extra durable and hard to penetrate, sumthin like that. much stronger than his normal white skull vest/armor. was given to him by general thunderbolt ross aka red hulk.
anyways thought those that had the dx and didnt know that would enjoy. still have mine in the ennis/bradstreet look for now. sans that cool red armor detail thunderbolts kinda sucks so far to be honest lol. Frank does have a big role tho no doubt.
soooo want them to do a agent venom, he already has knee and shoulder pads, cmon mez....![]()
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Love my Mezco figures. Got a lot more in my pile of loot at BBTS. I was going to wait for some other figures to get there and ship it together but now I can't wait. Bring on more Mezco figures!
BTW, sorry for the sideway pics, I have no idea how to put them up straight.
I really do wish classic cap was more "classic". I could even live with the chin piece on the helmet, but those boots and gloves gotta go. Even the belt is ok. Like the nod to captain's insignia in his belt buckle.
Thanks for posting pics. I've not been too impressed with their Marvel offerings thus far, so I don't own many. I have Punisher and I just scored Yellow suit DD for an acceptable price. I'll likely pic up old man Logan and Deadpool and that's about it so far.