Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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Serious question. Did none of you watch Wrath of the Titans? The Clash sequel? That was this guy's last movie directed and it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Before that Battle Los Angeles, and before that Texas Chainsaw : The Beginning.

He literally has never made a single "good" movie and everything he has made has been made fun of pretty publicly and well known as hacky garbage.

Honestly, why are you expecting a good movie from this guy's track record. Dead serious, please explain. Everything he's done hovers in the 5.something range. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0509448/?ref_=tt_ov_dr
I was the first to completely hate this guy on here. I am aware of his short comings

but the pics and trailers have me excited enough to forget my hate for him
Serious question. Did none of you watch Wrath of the Titans? The Clash sequel? That was this guy's last movie directed and it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Before that Battle Los Angeles, and before that Texas Chainsaw : The Beginning.

He literally has never made a single "good" movie and everything he has made has been made fun of pretty publicly and well known as hacky garbage.

Honestly, why are you expecting a good movie from this guy's track record. Dead serious, please explain. Everything he's done hovers in the 5.something range. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0509448/?ref_=tt_ov_dr

Battle LA was that bad I didn't even watch Wrath. I knew it was going to be bad when I saw the director. The shakey cam in Battle LA makes the film unwatchable in most scenes. By the looks of this film it looks like Bay has pushed Liebesman to one side as I think the studio knew they had made a mistake.
The foot clan has guns.... An ancient clan of ninjas is now a paramilitary outfit, cause modernization? I can't get over the needless changes. I want to see a good Turtles film. I want to see what you guys see, but this stuff sucks.
The foot clan has guns.... An ancient clan of ninjas is now a paramilitary outfit, cause modernization? I can't get over the needless changes. I want to see a good Turtles film. I want to see what you guys see, but this stuff sucks.

Wanna see how its done then watch the 1990 film. Best interpretation to the comics and 80s toon yet.
I need a better streaming device.. I think I saw one of my scenes in the trailer, the one where we take hostages and capture April in the subway. I played a foot soldier :wink1:
I need a better streaming device.. I think I saw one of my scenes in the trailer, the one where we take hostages and capture April in the subway. I played a foot soldier :wink1:


the ass scene did get switched though :(
Wanna see how its done then watch the 1990 film. Best interpretation to the comics and 80s toon yet.

I love the Original film. I love the current Nick cartoon. But this just looks like trash. I would be able to get over the design choices for the turtles if the other stuff was on point. Shredder's armor shoots knives is possibly the dumbest thing right after white Shredder and the Foot Clan having guns...