Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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the humor in the movie seems to be really good so I expect the turtles to make me laugh a lot

Wonder why Raph looks to be MIA during the lair Siege. Off throwing a tantrum on a rooftop somewhere?

Glad I'm not alone in loving the Mikey-isms. Still cant get over the Mickey from Shameless under all the CGI. He couldn't be playing 2 more different characters. lol

well in the trailer Raph says "Let's go save my brothers" so yeah, he is not with them at some point.

Also, when the turtles get taken away and handcuffed, perhaps Raph is not with them, I can't tell if he is or not, but seems like the turtles get taken and Raph will have to save them
well in the trailer Raph says "Let's go save my brothers" so yeah, he is not with them at some point.

Also, when the turtles get taken away and handcuffed, perhaps Raph is not with them, I can't tell if he is or not, but seems like the turtles get taken and Raph will have to save them

Well from the set pics we knew already he wasn't captured with Leo, Donnie and Mikey. For some reason I figured he would have escaped or something, not that he wasn't there to begin with.

Maybe he was off bonding with April? She's in the shot back in the liar when Raph's talking to Splinter. I assume he's talking to her and Vernon when he has his 'Let's go save my brothers' scene.
Raph always leaves though, he did it in the first movie and he did it in the cartoon movie lol :lol
Man she is hot, but every time I start thinking she's hot a flashing lighting bolt of intrusive thought pierces my mind in the shape of her thumb.... I know, it's awful to think that way but I can't help it :gah: it ruins my fantasy hot dates with her.
Speaking of thumbs... kind of. The Turtles hands freak me out this time around. They're not....bulky enough? I guess because they're not constricted by the whole - two fingers in one - thing of a suit glove, they just have them 2 proportionate fingers. *shudder*

I noticed after watching this Donnie GIF about 20 times in a row.


It just looks like a deformity.

I hope Mikey's yelling Booyakasha before charging into battle there.
Speaking of thumbs... kind of. The Turtles hands freak me out this time around. They're not....bulky enough? I guess because they're not constricted by the whole - two fingers in one - thing of a suit glove, they just have them 2 proportionate fingers. *shudder*

I noticed after watching this Donnie GIF about 20 times in a row.


It just looks like a deformity.

I hope Mikey's yelling Booyakasha before charging into battle there.

why? why tell me this.... why
his thumb looks really long which is really freaky....

it does look like an alien hand, maybe that's why they went with the alien story :lol
his thumb looks really long which is really freaky....

it does look like an alien hand, maybe that's why they went with the alien story :lol


Whatever you do then, don't look at Mikey's right hand... because it in no way looks like he's just missing 2 fingers...
