Miley Cyrus' career takes another hit

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The Mike

In the Pixels
Feb 3, 2006
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On Saturday, the big news was that some guy claimed to have hacked into the email of Miley Cyrus, and as proof he posted thee candid pictures that some might consider racy. The hacker guy also claims to have read an email in which Miley detailed her sexual exploits with Nick Jonas of the Jonas Bothers. Which is noteworthy because they both claim to still be virgins, a tiny fact somehwta important to thier devout Christian image. The hacker guy goes on to say he even has a few naked Miley pictures that he is currently trying to sell. If you're interested in buying these, contact Captain Makebelieve at, c/o the Gum Drop Pony. Because it's not gonna happen. I'm not a lawyer, but I'm pretty certain you're not allowed to buy and sell stolen naked pictures of 15 year olds.

The interesting thing is after the Vanity Fair debacle you'd think she'd be sure to get rid of everything and anything that could further throw another wrench in her career but apparently not. Vanessa Hudgens another Disney Teen Star had her own nude issue a while back and seems to be recovered without too much fanfare from the House of Mouse which usually is pretty conservative about these things until Hudgens' issue. One must note that even the detailing that Hudgens was only 17 in those photos didn't stop them from circulating around the net and tabloids...

Why post it here? Well one its a point of conversation because its interesting to see people going after the young stars with such zeal, she is loved by tons of young girls yet people are going after every little piece, something usually saved for stars once they hit their legal ages and I'm interested to hear what is the thought on celebrities under the age of 18. There have been some interesting conversations here about celebrities and what privacy rights they should or shouldn't have with points on both sides of the fence but with this one Miley is 15 and having stuff hacked....are things going too far? Or is she just another celebrity who should know better seeing how this has happened already to Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Kim Kardashian, etc....
When will Disney learn that teens will be teens? Maybe they need to just get back to their roots: animation.
All I can say is that I am glad I'm not famous. It would take a hell of a lot of $$ for me to give up my privacy. Stars these days should know what they are getting into - it's like signing a deal with the devil, so I have no sympathy for them...especially if they like to play the social scene and then cry because they are constantly followed. But I think with kids it's different. There should be some restrictions - give them a chance to be somewhat normal until they hit 18.
I feel sorry for the kid. It's no one's bizness if she's played hide the pre-pubescent sausage with that grubby little Jonas boy. It's not like she would be the first or in the first million to do it at 15. The pissed off mothers of young girls that put her on a pedastel should work harder to put themselves there for their kids to emulate and not stick the responsibility off on a 15 year old.
in the old west, children were married as young as 12 years old. once the hormones hit, kids will be kids and experimenting with sex is part of growing up. pictures and videos are obviously a different story but i'm seeing a pattern here. these children are exalted and put on a pedestal just so the public can get the chance to see them knocked off. our society is very much like rome was, as people get massive enjoyment from seeing others suffer. make no mistake.
There needs to be something done about papparazzi in this country. Saying that because you make your living in the public eye you are not entitled to any privacy or a moment's peace while in public is like saying 2 + 2 = 5.

EDIT: I know this isn't specifically papparazzi, but it's the same concept - exploiting people for money because it's become acceptable.
There needs to be something done about papparazzi in this country. Saying that because you make your living in the public eye you are not entitled to any privacy or a moment's peace while in public is like saying 2 + 2 = 5.

EDIT: I know this isn't specifically papparazzi, but it's the same concept - exploiting people for money because it's become acceptable.

yes, that is a whole different argument. my thoughts are, if someone told you they'd pay you several million dollars for working a few months, but in return you would also have to give up your privacy in public places, would you still agree to the money? most everyone i know would including myself. just like we have a job that we give up 8 hours or more a day of our lives for a paycheck on friday. movie stars are not gods and don't have the right to dictate what others do in a public place. i do believe they have a right to privacy, in their own homes which have tens of thousands of square feet, at private parties, and anywhere else the public is not invited. if you go to a public place and you're a celeb, the loss of privacy comes with the job. ever hear of a successful actor that no one recognizes? and bozo the clown doesn't count. :lol
in the old west, children were married as young as 12 years old. once the hormones hit, kids will be kids and experimenting with sex is part of growing up.

Why don't you take a seat right over there.

There needs to be something done about papparazzi in this country. Saying that because you make your living in the public eye you are not entitled to any privacy or a moment's peace while in public is like saying 2 + 2 = 5.

EDIT: I know this isn't specifically papparazzi, but it's the same concept - exploiting people for money because it's become acceptable.

Exactly... When there are people willing to spend 20 million for PICTURES of Brad and Jolie's babies how can you expect anyone to have a "normal" life.

And on another note that virgin pact the Jonas brothers made was a stroke of genius... that will get them so much hoochie it won't be funny. Every girl will want to be the one to make them break their promise.
Exactly... When there are people willing to spend 20 million for PICTURES of Brad and Jolie's babies how can you expect anyone to have a "normal" life.

you don't have a normal life if you're the child of brad pitt and angelina jolie. that's the point. if they wanted a normal 9-5 life for themselves and their children, they shouldn't have taken up acting. it is a high profile, high attention position that commands millions and millions of dollars. trade off is, their privacy is compromised.
you don't have a normal life if you're the child of brad pitt and angelina jolie. that's the point. if they wanted a normal 9-5 life for themselves and their children, they shouldn't have taken up acting. it is a high profile, high attention position that commands millions and millions of dollars. trade off is, their privacy is compromised.

True, but the kids didn't ask for it but they are going to be in the spotlight for the rest of their lives no matter what they do for a living.
While I feel the media types - paparazzi included - that feed off this type of stuff are the lowest of bottom feeders, it's not their fault the situation exists. It's the people that buy the magazines and flock to the websites over it. We make it valuable for them to do it.

This wasn't always true. There was a time when we didn't want to tear down our heroes. Kennedy could sleep with Monroe and the press didn't feel the need to tell us. Rock Hudson could be gay and no one was rushing to out him. We have a very mean spirited attitude towards stars and others in the spotlight these days, as though we want them to fail. As humans, they will certainly do so.

The funny thing is with something like Miley, it's not like she's doing this publicly. I could understand some parents feeling that if she was on stage in her act swearing and writhing up against male dancers, that it might not be the best 'role model' for their kids. But this is her PRIVATE life, being dug up by someone doing a Columbo. There is no one on this planet, not even Mother Teresa (even more so, by some accounts of her behavior) that could withstand that sort of scrutiny.

I can only hope my daughter is as reserved in her behavior as Miley appears to be when she's a teenager.