Hi, if you have time pls take a little time to read my writing above first.....
In few yrs before, 500,000 HK people went to street to demonstrate that they protest certain policy imposed by Chinese government. At last, the policy is hold off. When compared to whole population(7,000,000) in HK, 500,000 is only 7%......I have no idea of the significance of this 7%..........
This 10% seems like scientistic and logical, but is it?........
1) Concerning this 10%, I am not so sure about the significance of 10% as i am not major in survey and statistic. But if u tell me to goto your hospital to cure my soar leg and there is 10% of chances my leg will be ill treated and need to be cut off. This is significant enough for me to think twice.
So the issue lied on the nature of incident, not the absolute number.....
You purpose is to use 10% to imply the problem is not significant and serious because you do not actually "see" much about complaints and "see" much defective photo. Because u assumed the victim will speak out in the interent so that you can see them. Also, u assumed victim will post their pics on the web so that you can see them.
I want to leave it to the guys here to determine the reasonableness of these assumptions.....
What i can tell you is that the HK representative, Terence, have already stopped centralising and posting any more pics and complaints on the FB for the HK fans. Also, the problem lied on the risk of future peeling.......
If your "10%=insignificance" logic can be established, i am afraid all survey conducted (even the US presidential selection survey) in yr country cannot cover magority of the people should be treated as invalid. Also, all now and future problems posted on the forum is/will not (be) a problem to you.