Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics
Hey Geil. Check this out. I went back to look and see if my camera had the "flower" mode and it did. Look at the incredible close up I took. Normally this would be real fuzzy.
I call this RIP Batman.
Nice! I love the set up!
And you're not far off from getting the sharpness right. I used to have a Sony Cybershot and I
know that you can get what you're looking for.
Most of these have been mentioned already, but there are a few main things that you can do:
1) Use Macro. But that you know already.
2) Keep still! I think the blur in the picture is indeed from movement. I highly recommend
buying a little table top tripod, they are pretty cheep (and they have them at Walmart.)
3) Lighting can make a big difference, but I have taken some pretty amazing shots with my cybershot in minimal lighting. The less light you have the less forgiving your picture will be in terms of blur, so keeping the camera still is even more important with minimal lighting. (If you can't get a tripod, try setting the camera up on books.)
Another thought with regard to keeping the camera still: When I take pics with my point and shoot in minimal lighting, in addition to using a tripod, I will also use the
timer feature (yes your cybershot has this), so that I am not touching the camera when the shutter opens.
4) Finally,
make sure that the camera has time to focus before you take the picture. Both of the digital point and shoot cameras that I have had work like this: you
gently push the button half way down, the camera focuses, and then you push it the rest of the way down to take the picture. Do the same thing when using the timer, making sure the camera is focused before you push the button all the way down.
One more thought: your LED view screen will probably tell you if the picture is in focus or not. The camera I have now always has a box in the middle of the screen that is green when I am in focus and red if I am not. Look for something like this.
Most point and shoot cameras can do more than you would imagine. The Sony Cybershot in particular is an awesome camera. It has one of the best lenses on the market, and I miss it.
Here is an example of a Macro pic I took with my Cybershot;
I focused the camera on the Creech's right hand ,pushing the button half way down. Then without letting up on the button I moved the center of the shot to Creech's body. Then I pushed the button down the rest of the way... and I am pretty sure I did use a tripod ans timer feature.
Here's a couple Macro shots taken with my Lumix Panasonic point and shoot:
One could probably do a better/sharper job with a DSLR, but for the casual photographer like myself, I am happy with these kind of results.