Broke and happy
Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics
I like Maglor's poses and pics
True that!
I like Maglor's poses and pics
True that!
I think you may be right
The ankles did suck ass on him didn't it
But man what a stupid reason for selling a figure isn't it
BTW....you have an insane memory!
Yup. I can't remember where I leave the keys to my front door, but I'll remember why someone sold a figure a couple of years ago!
In my defence I think it was because I was so happy with it and you were so vocal about how you hated the figure based on the ankles - a valid complaint but such an easy fix - that I think you must have impressed yourself on my memory! And I'm not going to comment on whether it was a good reason to sell him or not, but I think at the time I probably called you something rhyming with "glum bass".
It's annoying how the V1 pants has those lines on the plates near the cod while the DX doesn't.... why did HT leave out that detail?? So minor, I know, but considering the fact that their first version had it... I'm just left scratching my head.
Nice pics!!! Greatly regret not picking this up for around $160 when I could have
ps it was no DCD batch ....its was from hong kong, with the wraped belt.
So, I knew what could come later...
Only thing I gotta do is keep an eye on it, I guess.