1/6 MMS188 The Dark Knight Rises: Selina Kyle/Catwoman Figure Full Specs & Pics

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Opened her last night and spent an hour trying to get the mask on. Thanks to your guys' warnings (especially about flipping the glasses BACKWARD rather than FORWARD), I avoided breaking it.

Then I realized that it's easier to attach the strap and THEN slip it on over her head, and things went smoother.

Was after midnight at that point, so I didn't get to do a whole lot. Overall a great figure, though I'm disappointed by the painted hairline and the fact that she's almost impossible to stand on her own without the stand. For some reason, the toes of her boots are curved, and not flat - so between them and the stilletos, it's almost impossible to get her in anything but a precarious, stand-up straight pose.
I think what he means to say is all things are relative when it comes to taste/opinion.

For instance, there are some people out there that don't like the Walking Dead TV show.

I like the show, you obviously do, they don't. :dunno

i hate it. :wink1:

oops: looks like the thread turned while i was out this morning. let's see some love, people!

: D
Opened her last night and spent an hour trying to get the mask on. Thanks to your guys' warnings (especially about flipping the glasses BACKWARD rather than FORWARD), I avoided breaking it.

Then I realized that it's easier to attach the strap and THEN slip it on over her head, and things went smoother.

Was after midnight at that point, so I didn't get to do a whole lot. Overall a great figure, though I'm disappointed by the painted hairline and the fact that she's almost impossible to stand on her own without the stand. For some reason, the toes of her boots are curved, and not flat - so between them and the stilletos, it's almost impossible to get her in anything but a precarious, stand-up straight pose.

She can stand up straight, just takes work and futzing with the boots, all my shots were her standing straight without the use of a stand. :lecture

I still like posing mine, no matter what people must think of her
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She can stand up straight, just takes work and futzing with the boots, all my shots were her standing straight without the use of a stand. :lecture

Yeah. It can nearly stand on one foot. Admirable but mistaken.
The goggles are a little askew in any direction but if you futz with them carefully you can get mostly pretty straight more or less

But yeah it's finicky another reason this is a fail offering in my book.
Yea, thanks. I broke them anyway lol is there anyway to get replacements if you bought the fig from a fellow collector?
she stands fine for me ~ now that i understand her balance. i had the same problem figuring out how baby doll worked.

now she gives me no trouble at all!

: D
Ill sort of elaborate as to why I think it sucks, someone listed it as about a 6.5 out of 10. I'd give it a 6 here's why:

-The head looks plasticy, undersized compressed vertically almost and has a mearly a passing likeness to Hathaway,

-the hair looks really fake, most of their real hair attempts look fake but if you look at some customizers attempt like Lalla, you know real hair can be pulled off convincingly. The hair is also a frizzy mess

-her neck is too short

- the hair line is atrocious, it's a very unsightly gap and the attempt to blend it with paint hurts more than it helps

- the mask holes are too small for the eyes and rhe goggles are fragile

- the body frigging sucks. Odd proportions aside, I hate hot toys female bodies. They are terribly unfeminine and have a poor range of motion. You can't get them in feminine poses that look realistic. The Eva body from triad was a peice of junk but the best female body ever. Hot toys needs to buy that design.

- hand pegs are flesh not black?

- you can't pose this thing at all, her legs won't bend front to back which eliminates a lot of good posing same for the ankles it's not easy to bend them side to side. Maybe of you twist the joint in the peg after you tear up rhe pleather boot trying.

- oddly proportioned doll looking overall,

- the texture in the suit is pretty cool I like it but its too thick,

- it's not about panty lines on the butt it's that it looks like a huge diaper she is wearing, i don't get how anyone can say its simply "panty lines" panties over depends maybe. For the record the the way her shoulders look bug me as much as her butt does , I don't care if you're not looking there all too much it's an unsightly area in a premium highly realistic figure. Every area should look good. It's the same reason why Keaton batman loses huge points with me with that stupid chunk in the back of his head.

And to the guys urging me to sell it, I feel like that's maybe innevitable but I'm a completionist in the sense where i want the character in the line up. Lets face it Two Face sucks also. At least I was able to fix him up. Mayne catwoman can be worked with if Hot Toys figures out how to do a decent female one of these days.

To me the redeeming points are few and far between. To be honest I take back my original statement; Indy is by far the worst in recent years. Ironically a lot of the batman figures suck IMO. Two face (though its older) Scarecrow was bad, begins batman (again it gets the older pass) DX01 ( hated it so much but totally love 11) DX12 (I like it after mods, but come one, the eyes, the cape the FACE? Too much to fix to say its a winner). Bane (sorry I'm not a fan either, his mask dips too far in on his nose, his costume is inaccurate he can't assume the proper poses, his body type is wrong for him. Etc. etc.

Every release has problems theres no way I'm expecting perfection, but i was more or less totally satisfied when I got Reeves superman, DX sparrow, avatar, mark 4, spider man the list goes on and on (interestingly it seems my buying of 1/6 has not slow downed but hot toys is not offering figures i care about recently). People could pick apart things about all of the above releases and some times I think nitpicking goes to far, I look at overall presentation and the total package to determine of its a pass or fail. I think catwoman is a fail.

I agree with all the inaccuracies you list with these past figures. As nitpicky as I can be, I'm happy with most of these figures because of the overall product. In this case with Selina Kyle, most of the overall product fell on the head sculpt, which I believe is not very good. Personally, at the end of the day it's a 200$ toy that looks exactly that, a toy.

I'm glad that many people are enjoying their Selina Kyle's and everyone is entitled to their opinions. I don't believe anyone can be wrong in enjoying a premium priced collectible. Maybe, I hold Hot Toys to a standard that is too high? Over the years, when they are good they are really good, maybe I expected too much out of this one? Then again, I think about the prototype... What could've been. (sigh)

As far as female head sculpts go, the recent Black Widow Scarlett Johansson likeness is very good IMO.
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FINALLY received her today, and she's beautiful! It's my second Hot Toy (First was DX Batman) and man, was doing her hair stressful! Well, not her hair, but I wanted to make sure it was done properly! The MASK...the mask was so stressful! It felt like it just wouldn't fit, and as slow as you went down...man, in the end, it looks fantastic, and I love it, but that mask...so scary. I'm hoping that it's all good from here and there's no popping off!

I give credit to all you guys who pose them in various ways, and take all these fantastic pictures! I've got mine posed like my favourite poster of her (the one with hand on hip, and gun pointed upwards) and that's how she'll stay for quite some time! I'm not a big poser, and I'm more nervous about moving anything after it's all set up. Odd fear, I know, but to see some of these massive photo galleries with shot after shot in various poses...kudos!! Great work :)

In the end, love it and I hope it all remains intact! :)

PS: Oh, and the head sculpt! I think it looks great! Not as 100% as some of their others, but still incredibly close and you know who it is quite easily! I'll also say that photos DO NOT do the sculpt justice (in most cases...again, some photo galleries here are superb, so camera and talent likely plays a role!) I took a few iPhone shots to send a friend, and they looked pretty brutal. I snapped the shot, then looked at it, then the figure and couldn't understand how it made it look so off. Either way, this is an in-hand sculpt for sure! Very well done!
Actually, You should keep the shirt on. I found out that removing the white undershirt makes the suit looser in the chest for some reason, I think the idea of the shirt was to give her the more lift in her chest area like she was wearing a bra against the tight suit because of the texture, especially when you arch her back in a more natural female pose.

That is one thing I was surprised with when I removed the white undershirt, is that her chest wasn't meshing with the suit as tight and pronounced like before.

What I did on my second Selina was strip it and then futz with the white undershirt a little and then put everything back on including the undershirt and now it seems to be more form fitting and more of a sleeker and more curvier look when I try more feminine poses with her, not as bunchy on the hips and her butt, even the side angles.

I've finally done it...I've annoyed my self :gah: i was in the process of zipping it back up again and i pulled too fast and the zipper came off and getting it back on..well that's another question...there was no"stop" to one side of the zipper like on a sleeping bag for example, so it just came off completely and for some reason one of the sides of the zipper teeth on the jacket won't go back on(figures left side).

Time to pull some more hair and give it a go getting the damned thing back on again :(
I just ordered mine. Does anyone want to part ways with their Bat Cowl? I missed the opportunity for the exclusive and someone giving theirs away.

Looking forward to adding her with my Bane!