Alrighty, soooo... I cut her hair and it turned out great!
I've got a few (horrible iPhone) images to record a bit of the process.
I can tell you that the hair will not fray or "pyramid" out if it's cut, I knew this right after I took her out of the box; the hair is EXTREMELY fine and good quality. It's probably 1/2 thickness of human hair.
I knew before I cut it that I would want to pull it back, so instead of using the goggles, I just used a rubber band - something I could cut off after I'm finished.
Step two; wet the hair, only slightly (it doesn't need to be soaking), and pinch it together.
Pinching it in the back helps you
cut it at an angle, so that it's not thick at the bottom; Hot Toys actually has it cut like this as well.
From here, I spent the next 30min refining; the next image is completely dry.
My reference:
After I got her on the Batpod (that was ****ing horrible, like the worst thing ever oh-my-god

) I added a bit of
water wax to smooth the top and tied a rubber band around her neck/hair - that makes it a lot easier to put on the goggles!
Once the goggles were on, I tousled the back of her hair with some more water wax. I was trying to give her hair a wind-swept look, and I really liked the outcome; a little wax goes a long way.
I have a 2nd Selina coming in on the 25th, and I'll be doing the same thing, except she'll be standing.