Super Freak
My order still says processing, hopefully mine ships out this week as well.
Head play is selling a bootleg of the hs, it has the grining teeth too grrrrrrrrr hoped to get an hs without having to resist to customizers prices....
I wonder if the stock zod with armor will come with the freezing chamber... or at least the legs, but that's easy to do, just switch this zod's head and put him in the freezer lol... I checked up on it and saw that it was "shipping" soon meaning hopefully first thing tomorrow morning I hope.
I just based it off what the guy said before me, on how there is a zod in the works, but I don't doubt it, it might even be a premium fig I think.
Issue with the port. SS might have him by tomorrow.
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Ship damnit!! Ship!!!
How do you post pictures with tapatalk
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