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Reminds me of a TV show growing up, Take Your Pick with Michael Miles where you had to decide to open the box or not.
The only question is, will I react like Morgan Freeman when I open it? Or Brad Pitt?

Reminds me of a TV show growing up, Take Your Pick with Michael Miles where you had to decide to open the box or not.

"Schrödinger's THING" (* although that sounds slightly ruder than I intended *)


"Kill it with fire!" That's an apt gif for this figure. :monkey3

I'm trying to find some love for this thing, but it's not easy.

I don't even like the sculpts that much. They both have gormless expressions, like he's day dreaming or wondering whether he left the oven on . . .

LMAO :lol :hi5: . . . although . . . once stated, can never be unseen :horror

I'm trying to make sense of Mondo's body, primarily because I currently don't have another muscle body or a spare neck, and because the boots are unique to this one.

There are big chunks of muscle on the sides that can be cut away; the shoulders are also over muscled and could be cut down, which would help with the fitting of any jacket.

As for the legs it looks like it's the tops of the legs themselves that meet and prevent the legs closing up. Not sure how much of that can be safely cut away before it exposes the ball joint.

The butt and crotch are also like separate underwear, and at certain angles the legs can get trapped outside of it, and it wouldn't be easy under clothes to get the legs back inside that area. Even unclothed it wasn't easy.
Frankly I don't know that I would bother trying to reuse those boots anyway.

They're actually not that bad. The sculpt is quite good and they're weathered.

Without any replacements I'll have to keep them.

I've brought in a file and small saw to coerce the body to accept more natural posing, and better fit the clothes. Maybe even a jacket.
It's the weirdest looking body I've ever seen. They even painted it to accentuate the muscles.

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The neck, which was apparent when trying to pose him, is angled forwards like one of the bootleg brands of TTM19 style muscle body:

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The peg in the boot is placed so high up that it'll pose a problem for any body swap:

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The thing is the first body paint image reminds of the Thing. Mondo are ahead of the game taking the full fee at order point.
Yikes! Were they reusing their MOTU bodies for this one?

That makes sense.

Weird that the proportions and posture reminded me of the original Mattel figures, but I'd forgotten Mondo did 1/6 versions of them.

I've had partial success so far:


The arm accidentally popped out which helped as I was able to cut deeper more easily. I'll file down the shoulders and cut down the upper traps next.

The legs were another matter. I cut away the 'butt' parts that form the top of the leg, but it didn't improve matters. It has to be the angle of the ball joints themselves that keeps the legs from closing up. Though if I can improve the upper body I can probably work around the legs by using a more dynamic pose.
I got a Sideshow email showing still up for order and I passed. I thought the quality looked bad in the proto pics though seeing the actual product it's awful, like GI Joe toy quality. Only redeemable thing is the spider creature looks pretty good. Head sculpt looked good in proto pics, though production lacks any detail.

So far they make Star Ace look good! I disagree that the terrible quality is down to being their second figure and lacking the experience in producing figures. Inart's Joker was their first figure and they exceeded Hot Toys. Also look at the care and attention JazzInc are putting into their Catwoman figure, no experience in figures prior to that. Mondo just don't have the talent to quality control and produce good figures.

Don't get it twisted. The people at InArt have been in the game for a long time. Viper is the creative brainchild behind their operation and has been in the custom game for years. Inart is a branch off Queen Studio which has been producing statues for a long time. They know all the production facilities.

JazzInc, no experience? Viola and Sean Dabbs have done multiple Catwoman figures in the past. That's the reason why they're starting off on that figure, because they have more experience/knowledge of that character than anyone. The reason why people are so excited about it is because they have so much experience on that character. Anyways, we can revisit this issue in two years if/when the figure finally releases.
Man oh man, this Things a mess.


A body swap would definitely help - I don't have a spare necked body at the moment so am trying to make do with Mondo's.

The DID jacket is better - virtually anything would be better (!) - but it wasn't designed for such a bulky, awkward figure, so it doesn't fit too well.

I swapped out the waist grabber for a crotch grabber, as it wasn't functioning well with the figure, which was no surprise considering the rest of it.

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The hands are stiff, so you have to fight them whenever you want him to hold anything.

Most things are either simplified, or made to resemble a toy rather than higher end 1/6.

His face seems too wide to me. Comparing it to other sculpts he looks bloated, as though the face was expanded to fill the hair mould.

The set is giving me some strange associations.

The paintwork and each hand having a wrist peg is like Sideshow; the dog Thing is like the old McFarlane Thing; the jacket is like the one that came with a Toy Biz (?) 5" Lara Croft; the flamethrower cannisters feel just like the vintage hard plastic 1960s/1970s Action Man/GI Joe version.

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The Norris head is the best thing in the box, and actually looks better painted in hand than under the flash:

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That dog Thing looks like a meatball covered in sauce 👀