Super Freak
The mod had nothing to do with the gauntlets, it was just to lower the bicep armor.
hmm really? now I am even more confused
These are your steps for the bicep mod:
Step 1- remove hands and gauntlets
Step 2- remove bicep armor
Step 3- Apply superglue to the front of the wrist of the TT body.
Step 4- Pull the sleeve down over the glue until sleeve and wrist are flush and hold sleeve tight to the wrist till glue is dry and the sleeve holds firm.
Step 5- Pinch the excess rubber from the back of the sleeve, or unglued side, with your thumb and index finger. Take scissors and trim away the excess rubber. Make sure you don't cut too much off!!
Step 6- Glue bicep armor back in place
So I'm more confused about the other mod where you cut out a piece of the backside of the wrist section....
If your mod lowers the bicep armor, why do you need to cut a part out of the wrist section at the hands?
Can you explain this pls?
Do you need to do 2 mods to lower that bicep armor?
ps: I found the neck mod
Following the ideas mentioned above about trimming the inside of the neck to get rid of the giraffe neck look, I tried something and it worked pretty well.
I popped open the neck joint and dremmeled the inside tabs that give the height of the ball socket. I wanted the joint to go deeper inside the neck, so using a dime (coin) I set a higher inside wall/tab that would limit how much more the socket and joint would go into the neck. I dremmeled new ridges where the sides of the coin would fit snuggly and then closed and glued back. No joints were cut off and the whole operation stayed inside the neck where you can't see it. Check out the pictures:
Before and after:
Check out the number of "collars" in each picture.
Check out the "V" under his chin in each picture.
Subtle change but gives it a more natural appearance, especially in person!