It seems to me that the "debate" is being fuelled from both sides. If anyone dares to say anything against SS, they are labelled as "haters", if anyone dares to stand up for SS, they are "stooges". Forget so-called "movie accuracy" - its never been a priority before. As I see it, there is a VERY obvious difference between what is depicted on the SS website and what several people have already received. Okay, I'm never going to expect it to look exactly the same as the prototype, but this one is just a step too far. At best, thats very poor from SS, at worst its tantamount to deception. Parts of the clothing on the production piece are undoubtedly far too red. You can kid yourself and blame flash or lighting or whatever you like, but funnily enough the other colours appear fine in whatever lighting there is, so unless the material is made of something extremely strange that reacts in some weird way to light, then I suspect very much that it is indeed VERY red. The first thing I did was contact SS, very politely to express my concerns and suggest that I was considering cancelling my order as I did not want to pay for shipping to and from the UK if I had to return it to them (that would cost me well over $100). I asked them if they were aware of the problem, and the "concerns" that were being expressed about the first production pieces on the internet, and what they were proposing to do about it. I am still waiting for them to respond. As and when I hear from them I'll let you know (if you're interested....)
Oh and just for the record, like Woodsy, I've spent several (far too many) thousands of dollars on SSW and SS LotR products - I really was looking forward to this piece - if I have to cancel (and yes, if it really is that red then I do consider that I "have" to cancel) I will be very disappointed, so I am not a "hater" in any way, shape or form. This may even be the "final straw". I've also been hugely disappointed with the decision to put the 12" line "on hold" so have been seriously thinking about putting a stop to my LotR addiction (ahem, "hobby") anyway. If SS don't correct this serious flaw in the Moria Orc then they may have lost another customer for life.....