I think Sota Toys could have done something, like the Street Fighter line up they did, but discontinued it, something about Guy being from Final Fight but Sota Toys only had the license for Street Fighter and not Final Fight.Indeed. I like the Jazwares Scorpion and Sub-Zero well enough and think they'll look good next to the Marvel Legends and DCUC figures, but I would like something more detailed. Mortal Kombat is a license right up NECA's alley. I'd love to see them make a Scorpion and Sub-Zero with the same articulation as their Ryu Hayabusa figure.
I hope so too!damn it, i was looking forward to those figs. hope they come out looking better...
So any have any of you unlocked Mileena's Hot Pit Flesh costume?
Well, it's not really a costume... Just a long strip of material
I finally made it to Level 300, kicked ass and unlocked it.
Nice!I first played challenge 300 with Stryker and Sheeva but got my ass handed to me but when I chose Scorpion, I beat it without much problem. I relpayed it the other day with Kitana and dominated. The only ones who got a hit in was Mileena and Kahn who got one hit in with his spear but other than that, I totally annihilated him.
Sorry if this was covered, but for 360 to play online, you have to pay? I had the game for a while but just yesterday I decided to try some online play but was asking for a code?
Sorry if this was covered, but for 360 to play online, you have to pay? I had the game for a while but just yesterday I decided to try some online play but was asking for a code?
Dosen't the 360 version come with a kombat pass if buying new?
Did you buy the game new or used? In order to curb the amount of people that buy this game used, they are adopting a system where you have to have a pass to play multiplayer online. The pass comes with new copies of the game but used buyers have to purchase it for like $10 separately.
Its new. Cool yeah I have that card in the box. Didnt realize that what it was for. Thanks
I didn't have the patiants to constantly restart with the same character. After getting my ass kicked with Stryker after about 5 rounds, I called it a night and restarted with Sheeva the next day and couldn't get passed Kintaro so after a few tries I said ____ it and picked Scorpion and beat the challenge with a little less than half my life left.
How can you tell?Hey just a heads up for any Australians thinking of importing this game.
"DO NOT" buy the region 3 Asian version. This was the one that I bought
for my PS3 and I just found out that the asian version does not include the online
kombat pass which you will need to activate the online game play once
the PSN store is back up.
Apparently the asian suppliers of MK9 made a big bungle and forgot
to include the online passes. Here is a link with a bit more detail.
So Aussies buy this from either US or UK sellers to avoid disapointment.
As for me I cant get intouch with the ebay seller I got it from so I will have to buy a pass from my asian account when asia is back onine..![]()
How can you tell?
Is there markings on the cover / disk saying what region it is?
Different cover design?
The 7 Klassic outfits & 3 Klassic fatalities that were retailer exclusives will be bundled into one DLC package. Trailer coming on Friday