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The hair is the bigger issue for me than the mask. Her hair just looks more plain and boring with the closed mask.
She looks amazing! I will probably order one regular and one exclusive to show both heads. I do favor the open mask version more but I like both and the hair is great on both of them.
The thing I don't like about the hair on the closed mask is that it seems very plain and flat.
She looks amazing! I will probably order one regular and one exclusive to show both heads. I do favor the open mask version more but I like both and the hair is great on both of them.

Imagine that type of fabric being used to make a Black Cat PF. :)

Looks pretty sweet. *runs back to the dc board*

The thing I don't like about the hair on the closed mask is that it seems very plain and flat.

I'm definitely with you on that. The closed masked version looks like those 2 strand in front lack the right flow and the on behind looks pretty flat like you said. The flow of the open mask seems more natural but they overdid the lipstick imo (although some will definitely like that.)


The whole paint job lacks tone though. What I do like, is they got the costume and body sculpt spot on, the nicely colored skin tight suit looks fab on her, definitely better than the PFs before. Base like I said before is nothing special, kinda plain but nothing to hate on (at least there is some shading on it). I think Tim did a pretty good job on the sculpt.
Imagine that type of fabric being used to make a Black Cat PF. :)


Only if Tim makes the Black Cat PF! I am hoping and praying for that one to come to life one day.

The closed mask looks like a more animated look to me while the open mask is more real.
Only if Tim makes the Black Cat PF! I am hoping and praying for that one to come to life one day.

The closed mask looks like a more animated look to me while the open mask is more real.

So true BC, I think that would rock, he seems to only be getting better and better. Now they need to get good paint jobs to bring the full potential of his beautiful sculpts. Sometimes I see his developmental shots and I'm like dang, they look awesome..... if only they had added an awesome paint job on top then the piece woulda been unstoppable.

So far this sculpt and com. Mystique I feel, are the best female facial sculpts. Just hope if they ever did psylocke pf they don't go nuts on the slanty eyes, so stereotypical asian.
Hot! Definitely spot on with the body sculpt and costume. The open mask is great. The question for me is do I need to venture into the PF range as I've just got into comiquettes. Really like this piece but man Sideshow, you are killing my wallet! Help a brother make a wise decision.
Hot! Definitely spot on with the body sculpt and costume. The open mask is great. The question for me is do I need to venture into the PF range as I've just got into comiquettes. Really like this piece but man Sideshow, you are killing my wallet! Help a brother make a wise decision.

Depends too if you like 1/4 scale stuff then PFs will be the way to go forward since they are making comiquettes hopefully that size you can mix them up. I'll probably pass on this myself though since I'm not that into Ms. Marvel and the paint is kinda has the slapped on feel to me. I guess I'll PO then think a little more... :x
I usually do not buy the PF's because they take up too much space and cost too much but I can't pass up on this one because it's Ms. Marvel and Tim did it. I did preorder Gambit though because I've always had a thing for him :D