Mummy PF SSE Limited to 50: SS Lottery

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carbo-fation said:
Hmmm....I highly doubt Sideshow would do that kind of a thing. They're very honest and upfront people and I am very certain that they'll do the lottery in a just and fair manner. I wouldn't jump to such harsh conclusions just yet, if I were you. :eek:

I have nothing negative to say about Sideshow's employees. They have all been more than generous to me and their customers over the years. I also think picking the names would be done with the best intentions. The point being that even with a lottery results can be manipulated to show a favorable outcome.
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I think everyone needs to realize the real problem here, which is Sideshow's paint supplier. If they would just make grey paint in larger quantities and for cheaper prices, we could have all the grey collectibles we want.
Bannister said:
I think everyone needs to realize the real problem here, which is Sideshow's paint supplier. If they would just make grey paint in larger quantities and for cheaper prices, we could have all the grey collectibles we want.

Grey is like liquid gold :D
Kookie said:
I'll make a prediction that people like Kodi, Happyboy, and Monkey Butt (from the Sideshow comment section...if they entered) just so they can say "SEE I WON...THE LOTTERY IS THE BEST IDEA"

I also predict that people like lcummins, robodad, monster and the others that posted their name in the buddy list comment section will win. Again that strategy will make an appearance that the lottery is a worth while ordering system.

Hmmm..., I don't remember saying anything about the lottery being the best idea. What I said was i am glad they are trying something new and different. No, I don't think it is going to last beyond this one item, but I am at least glad to see them try something new. A lot of things work fine just as they are, but that doesn't mean that you should never seek improvement. I only meant to say that I am glad they can see that growing and changing isn't a bad way to do business, it is the only way.I am for anything that makes the JOY of collecting that much more fun, so how about a suggestion for improvement other than criticism for having an opinion.
And just to be clear, I will say it one more time: NO, I do not think the lottery is the best method for ordering limited editions, but at least they tried something, even it it was a collosal failure.
Hmmm..., I don't remember saying anything about the lottery being the best idea. What I said was i am glad they are trying something new and different. No, I don't think it is going to last beyond this one item, but I am at least glad to see them try something new. A lot of things work fine just as they are, but that doesn't mean that you should never seek improvement. I only meant to say that I am glad they can see that growing and changing isn't a bad way to do business, it is the only way.I am for anything that makes the JOY of collecting that much more fun, so how about a suggestion for improvement other than criticism for having an opinion.
And just to be clear, I will say it one more time: NO, I do not think the lottery is the best method for ordering limited editions, but at least they tried something, even it it was a collosal failure.
Why do you keep insisting the lottery is the best way when it clearly isn't.:confused:
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Bannister said:
Why do you keep insisting the lotery is the best way when it clearly isn't.:confused:
Did you not read my post? One more time then:
NO, I do not think the lottery is the best method for ordering limited editions, but at least they tried something, even it it was a collosal failure.
Hmmm..., I don't remember saying anything about the lottery being the best idea. What I said was i am glad they are trying something new and different. No, I don't think it is going to last beyond this one item, but I am at least glad to see them try something new. A lot of things work fine just as they are, but that doesn't mean that you should never seek improvement. I only meant to say that I am glad they can see that growing and changing isn't a bad way to do business, it is the only way.I am for anything that makes the JOY of collecting that much more fun, so how about a suggestion for improvement other than criticism for having an opinion.
And just to be clear, I will say it one more time: NO, I do not think the lottery is the best method for ordering limited editions, but at least they tried something, even it it was a collosal failure.

I apologize... I probably shouldn't have grouped you in that category. I should have just said Kodi because his crusade for the lottery could rival the Kurgans!

I have no opinion for an improvement of the ordering system because it was never broken in my opinion. The only suggestion I have read that seemed to hold any value, if some form of lottery was going to be initiated, was to try a small sampling of a larger edition size. Maybe 5-10 out of 75-100 edition size. Or just do a lottery for something with an edition size of 15 or under. Even with that said I'd choose no lottery vs yes lottery.
Did you not read my post? One more time then:
NO, I do not think the lottery is the best method for ordering limited editions, but at least they tried something, even it it was a collosal failure.
But seriously, why do you keep insisting that the lottery is the best method.:confused:
Bannister is having you on HB.

I think the comment from the Mistress that Tom posted shows that the response to the lottery hasn't been overwhelmingly positive.

I know that the grey Hulk method caused a lot of complaints, both here and other forums and probably with angry calls to SSC. So they're trying other methods to see if everyone feels treated more fairly by something different.

Unfortunately, with such limited items there is ALWAYS going to be someone who complains when they don't get it.

The only thing they haven't tried, is just release it and not mention the ES until it's sold out. That has it's own problems, but would probably be the best way to address all the complaints.
Darklord Dave said:
Bannister is having you on HB.

I think the comment from the Mistress that Tom posted shows that the response to the lottery hasn't been overwhelmingly positive.

I know that the grey Hulk method caused a lot of complaints, both here and other forums and probably with angry calls to SSC. So they're trying other methods to see if everyone feels treated more fairly by something different.

Unfortunately, with such limited items there is ALWAYS going to be someone who complains when they don't get it.

The only thing they haven't tried, is just release it and not mention the ES until it's sold out. That has it's own problems, but would probably be the best way to address all the complaints.

Sadly Dave...I think your right about just posting something without the edition size and letting it sell out based on it's popularity.
Hmmm..., I don't remember saying anything about the lottery being the best idea. What I said was i am glad they are trying something new and different.
HB, I don't know how old you are, but are you familiar with an old TV show called WKRP in Cincinnati? There was an episode that featured a "colossal failure" of a Thanksgiving promotion by a radio station. They decided to give away live turkeys to the citizens if Cincinnati by dropping them from a helicopter, resulting in the now classic line "As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly."

My point? Just because an idea is new or different, doesn't make it good (which you acknowledged), and it doesn't mean it should be "experimented" with.

Note to Sideshow: PLEASE do not experiment with any new collectible delivery systems that involve dropping our collectibles from high altitudes. ;)
I think Dave has the best solution. Just put up the SSE Mummy with no mention of an edition size. The only people who care and place an order are the true fans who honestly want it in their collection. Everybody else ignores it.

Then when they sell 50, the product is updated as sold out. Everybody else then says, "What?!? If I had known it was going to be rare and valuable I would have bought one to trade or flip!!" Knowing in advance that there will only be 50 draws in a ton of people who have no intention of keeping it in their collection. I say that you just put it up for sale and let the extremely low edition size be a big surprise to the real collectors and SSE completists who made a point to get their order in while everybody else ignored it because of the TBA edition size.
tomandshell said:
I think Dave has the best solution. Just put up the SSE Mummy with no mention of an edition size. The only people who care and place an order are the true fans who honestly want it in their collection. Everybody else ignores it.

Then when they sell 50, the product is updated as sold out. Everybody else then says, "What?!? If I had known it was going to be rare and valuable I would have bought one to trade or flip!!" Knowing in advance that there will only be 50 draws in a ton of people who have no intention of keeping it in their collection. I say that you just put it up for sale and let the extremely low edition size be a big surprise to the real collectors and SSE completists who made a point to get their order in while everybody else ignored it because of the TBA edition size.

I'm starting to think this is one of the only solutions!
RoboDad said:
"As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly."
I've heard of the show but never saw it, nor have I heard the line, but I'm glad I hadn't, because the way you presented it made me laugh. And there are precious few times that I actually laugh outloud while on line. Although most of them do occur on this board...
I agree that keeping a secret ES is a possible solution. The problem with that is that it would have to happen evenly and randomly across ALL lines and not just SSE Monsters. Otherwise the "trick" could only work once as people would exxpect it to happen only on SSE items. It would also need to happen on all types of products not just PF but 12", busts, comiquettes, etc. That would keep everyone on their toes and it would be too much work for speculators to guess which product will be a low ES.

If SS has the courage to do the "secret" ES method on SW or LOTR I would give them big props since those are the most sensitive/outspoken fans. That's when you'll know if they really care about rewarding their loyal customers (and fans of each license) that are there looking forward to something special Thursday nights.

Giving collectors a heads up that something will be up for preorder is enough. It's up to folks to decide if they want to be there to order something they like right away with the possibility of it being really limited as a BONUS and not THE REASON why is being purchased.