Mummy PF SSE Limited to 50: SS Lottery

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Hi I have a new system for Sideshow,
When it comes to The Vintage Monsters 12 inch 1/4 Scale & Life-Sized Bust lines. Why not let the collector pick what paint job they want? That will make both sides happy, Then no one will be unhappy.
All I ask Sideshow is that you try this one time.
You will find this is the way to go.

The Monster,
KeninMI said:
I like the fact that Sideshow tries to experiment with new ideas in ordering. Granted, the lottery idea may be a dud, but I still like the effort.
Very true, I think we got a little caught up in being upset with the lottery idea that we missed this being another way Sideshow cares about us collectors. I know almost everyone, if not everyone, here feels the same way, so thanks for expressing what some of us may have forgotten to say.

Also, I like your idea Monster, but I don't think it would be very easy to implement because people would have to enter in which color scheme they want, so sideshow would have to produce them accordingly. That could complicate things when it comes to cancellations and replacements due to damage. But maybe sideshow can come up with a way around those problems. If so I think it would be a very good solution.
Agent0028 said:
Very true, I think we got a little caught up in being upset with the lottery idea that we missed this being another way Sideshow cares about us collectors. I know almost everyone, if not everyone, here feels the same way, so thanks for expressing what some of us may have forgotten to say.

Also, I like your idea Monster, but I don't think it would be very easy to implement because people would have to enter in which color scheme they want, so sideshow would have to produce them accordingly. That could complicate things when it comes to cancellations and replacements due to damage. But maybe sideshow can come up with a way around those problems. If so I think it would be a very good solution.

Hey man I can not come up with all the ideas, Sideshow has to do some of the work. HA! HA! HA! HA! :rotfl Just Kidding :D

I am glad to hear you like my ideas. :D
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The Monster said:
Hey man I can not come up with all the ideas, Sideshow has to do some of the work. HA! HA! HA! HA! :rotfl Just Kidding :D

I am glad to hear you like my ideas. :D

The problem with that idea and that many people collect the color and the B&W version. I think the #1 reason people hate the lottery is that it could mean lotteries being done for Star Wars, Marvel, LOTR's, etc which makes people very upset.
Kookie said:
The problem with that idea and that many people collect the color and the B&W version. I think the #1 reason people hate the lottery is that it could mean lotteries being done for Star Wars, Marvel, LOTR's, etc which makes people very upset.

Not all of us have the money to buy both the Black & White & the Colored Monsters.
i had the oportunity to buy the sse vampyre pf from sideshow limited to 150.i had a personal email from them telling me of the oportunity because
in there records i bought a similar item before hand.

why can't they do this anymore.they have done it:confused:
the Doctor said:
i had the oportunity to buy the sse vampyre pf from sideshow limited to 150.i had a personal email from them telling me of the oportunity because
in there records i bought a similar item before hand.

why can't they do this anymore.they have done it:confused:
Really. I could have sworn the link just showed up in that weeks newsletter.
Bannister said:
Really. I could have sworn the link just showed up in that weeks newsletter.

what i remember is a spacific email telling me of the opportunity.
then i checked it out an snapped one up.

it was from one of the sideshow staff giving me a heads up.

so there you go
Fritz said:
I agree that the best way is probably to list it without the edition size. It worked well with the Newborn Uruk-hai. Everyone hated it until the edition size was announced. :rotfl

That's right. I hesitated a bit to long, and then it was gone. Had to buy it on the secondary market for big cash. Back then I didn't really belive in the wait list... Now I know better!
the Doctor said:
i had the oportunity to buy the sse vampyre pf from sideshow limited to 150.i had a personal email from them telling me of the oportunity because
in there records i bought a similar item before hand.

why can't they do this anymore.they have done it:confused:
I'm totally against that. That's like creating 2 sorts of collectors: the normal collectors, and the privileged ones. If SSC does that again, that would really tie the knot for me. I feel they should treat every client in the same way, give everybody the same opportunities when they are launching new items. No matter what you have bought from them, how little cash you have spend with them, no matter how much cash you have spend with them.
Imagine you are not into the PF monster line, but there's this one monster PF you have been waiting for, and that's the SSE vampire. But, because you have never bought a PF monster in the past, you are not given the opportunity to buy it that SSE vampire... Do you think that is right?
I think everybody should get the same information about upcoming items, no matter what. Only that way, your freedom of choice is fully honored. It's a matter of respecting your clients I think.
Alice Adrenochrome said:
I'm totally against that. That's like creating 2 sorts of collectors: the normal collectors, and the privileged ones. If SSC does that again, that would really tie the knot for me. I feel they should treat every client in the same way, give everybody the same opportunities when they are launching new items. No matter what you have bought from them, how little cash you have spend with them, no matter how much cash you have spend with them.
Imagine you are not into the PF monster line, but there's this one monster PF you have been waiting for, and that's the SSE vampire. But, because you have never bought a PF monster in the past, you are not given the opportunity to buy it that SSE vampire... Do you think that is right?
I think everybody should get the same information about upcoming items, no matter what. Only that way, your freedom of choice is fully honored. It's a matter of respecting your clients I think.
I'm afraid I have to disagree, Alice (may I call you Alice? ;)).

I didn't get such a notification, since at the time that the Vampyre was released I wasn't collecting SSEs yet, but I have no problem with them doing this for "privileged" customers.

From a purely business perspective, it makes perfect sense. If you want to ensure sales of a product, you target customers who have bought similar products, especially if the product you are now selling ties in in some way to that previously-purchased product. It would be foolish for Sideshow to assume that a new newsletter subscriber would have the same level of interest in a new piece as another customer who has already started collecting pieces from the same line.

And from a customer relations perspective, it also makes sense. Many, many businesses treat existing customers with preferred status over those who have not yet purchased anything (which could mean anything at all or anything from a particular product line). It's a nice way of rewarding customers for their past loyalty.
Maybe next time they could try a new method where you have to redeem some of your reward points to gain access to the product page to order the item.

At any rate, I have a feeling that we have seen the last of the lottery.

Mistress of the Web Says:
December 26th, 2006 at 4:57 pm
Hey HB,

We certainly are willing to try new suggestions. However keep in mind that this lottery experiment is an experiment. It does not look like the lottery idea has gotten much support from our collectors thus far.

We will let everyone know how this went after the close of sale of the edition!

tomandshell said:
Maybe next time they could try a new method where you have to redeem some of your reward points to gain access to the product page to order the item.

At any rate, I have a feeling that we have seen the last of the lottery.
I'm shocked!!! Just shocked!!!!:lol
tomandshell said:
Maybe next time they could try a new method where you have to redeem some of your reward points to gain access to the product page to order the item.
The only problem with that is that it would force us to not use our points for other purchases, based on the assumption that some new product might be announced. I understand the objective, giving people who have purchased products an advantage. But even if I have 2000 reward points, if I use them on a purchase, and then later a new limited collectible is announced, I would be out of luck.
i can't say i was happy with the sse vampyre.what they advertised was different to what i received and i couldn't get the sideshow picture pose
on my figure right.if i could have i'd still have it now:monkey2
I'd have disagree 10000% with Alice. I think rewarding loyal customers is the ONLY way to sell super-limited items. They've limited access to certain product to only newsletter subscribers, but to limit it even more would be a good idea. I like Tom's suggestion for having to redeem reward points to open the order page - or even, you have to have a certain level of reward points in your history for it.
well as good as the reward points sound... its not so fair to people like me. the only reason i jumped into the SSE editions was because they were on sale a few weeks ago. granted i've wanted to buy them for quite a while it was really the price that helped ease me into it. because of the SSE mummy craziness i've decided not to continue collecting this line because i dont want to continue this line if there is no chance of completing it.
Darklord Dave said:
I'd have disagree 10000% with Alice. I think rewarding loyal customers is the ONLY way to sell super-limited items. They've limited access to certain product to only newsletter subscribers, but to limit it even more would be a good idea. I like Tom's suggestion for having to redeem reward points to open the order page - or even, you have to have a certain level of reward points in your history for it.

Look the reason we have the lottery was because of somebody's idiotic idea to start it in the first place. Sideshow isn't telling us there's a problem with the old way of ordering so come up with a new one. It should be first come, first serve. No bidding system, no lottery, no favorites, and no reward points only. Since the newsletter was started it has given people on a week to week basis the announcement of new products going up for order the following week. If you can't make yourself available that's your own problem.
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I love Sideshow more lotteries!
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Kookie said:
I agree....if the SSE Mummy was released in Thursday's newsletter and you were waiting I bet you 100% you would have snagged it along with the others on this board who really wanted it. Now everyone and their mother will be signing up over this weekend and you probably don't have a shot at all.

I'll make a prediction that Sideshow is going to manipulate the lottery and pick people like Kodi, Happyboy, and Monkey Butt (from the Sideshow comment section...if they entered) just so they can say "SEE I WON...THE LOTTERY IS THE BEST IDEA"

I also predict that people like lcummins, robodad, monster and the others that posted their name in the buddy list comment section will win. Again that strategy will make an appearance that the lottery is a worth while ordering system.
Hmmm....I highly doubt Sideshow would do that kind of a thing. They're very honest and upfront people and I am very certain that they'll do the lottery in a just and fair manner. I wouldn't jump to such harsh conclusions just yet, if I were you. :eek: