It's cause the modern male is being destroyed through various venues on purpose. Testosterone in men is not as high as it has been in the past. Due to estrogen mimickers, obesity, chemicals etc. etc. There's not a lot of real men left. Every modern 20 something is usually nothing more than a manboy or manchild. They want us modern men docile, weak and not to speak up or be aggressive. Being a geek is no excuse to be lazy and not fit. So while i collect "dolls" i also lift weight, and do things that are aggressive on purpose to combat the increased estrogen, and have not let my "hobbies" turn me into something i don't want to be. (do you notice they put the Doritos and mountain dew next to the call of duty games in the video game section now? it's on purpose) anyways i could go on and on. I remember you saying one time our grandparents were made out of something tougher than we are and it's too true.
This bronie thing is for weak men/boys period. Hopefully you can understand that, but i'm almost sure you'll find some excuse's to combat that.

Over-thinking always complicates things
The truth is the truth.