My Obi-Wan PF Pics

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,...looks incredible,..this is prolly the best star war human likeness i've seen,...from any manufacturer, any size format,..really incredible,... :cool:
By this time tomorrow I'll have mine and I'm very excited to say the least. I admit it I love these PF pieces.
Congrats on being the first to get it! I only have 3 complaints:

1. The box! Why did they permanently switch to the cheaper stuff?! :monkey4
2. The hood [and the cloak for that matter] isn't thick enough. The material in the movie was much thicker looking.
3. There is no detail on the lightsaber. I own the MR weathered version and it's just fantastic, but Sideshow's one has no spunk at all.

I think it's a good likeness. Not the best SW likeness like others have said, but it's really good! I can't wait to get mine now!
Freak, I believe that the box changes were mandated by Lucas licensing. I'm guessing that the Star Wars logo couldn't be on an outer slip cover that could be removed, leaving pictures of Star Wars characters without the movie logo. That's just speculation on my part, but they did say that their packaging ideas were affected by the fine folks at Lucas Licensing. I do prefer the previous boxes, but if this is what they are forced to do then I can live with it.

The tattered look of the cloak is accurate, but it is perhas a bit thin.

Someone over at RS pointed out that his lightsaber should be darker in one area, instead of the whole thing being painted silver.

So there are some minor things that can be singled out, but none of them are enough to impact my overwhelmingly positive feelings about this piece. :google
Anakin said:
even in other sw lines from other companies,...attakus,..gentle giant,...hasbro,...there's no oher sw human likeness better than this one at the moment,...

Fwwwwwwwwwwaht!? Attakus has the BEST likenesses. :horror
Anakin said:
, me a better sw likeness,... :rolleyes:


But consider the scale, at 1:1 the good are bad are much more visable. That said, WHAT exactly are you finding wrong with this one, specifically the likeness?
LOTRFan said:
But consider the scale, at 1:1 the good are bad are much more visable. That said, WHAT exactly are you finding wrong with this one, specifically the likeness?

,..he can't admit sideshow sw human likeness are the best around,,, member nash is right,.,,.just look at his posts at rebel scum,.,,.his name is king kong there,.,.. and you will see the biggest sideshow basher you will ever find,..,,. so sad,..., :sick :sick :sick
I like how he changed his avatar from king kong. to the vendetta mask. we all know its you
Speaking of avatar changes--I love your new one, Shaihulud! Very nice.

As for being the best premium format ever--he won't have that title for long, since Grievous will be here in a month...