Mystique PF (not AH!)

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Tomorrow is my B-day, she arrives early!
What a surprise!

She is a fantastic sculpt by Pablo Viggiano!

Enjoy some pics!








Awesome pics! That was the deal breaker for me. Now i muuuuuuuuuust get this!
hmmm. those pics with her belt look considerably better than the earlier posted pics. her belt doesn't look near as cheap or out of place on her.
now i'm feeling better about keeping the ex. than getting a reg off of ebay.
The pants aren't as bad either, you just have to pull them down a bit.

Get mine tonight!
just checking out the ssc site for second chance or gift card pieces that i may be interested in to get at the same time as when mystique ships it me....... and i was shocked to see mystique up for second chance already:confused:

another great piece hits the shtty economy wall:(
Thanks for the pics, Could you make a picture of Mystique side by side with the cap and thor, if possible.

In thanking you in advance. ;)
I think I may email Sideshow and ask them to go ahead and charge me the last payment on my FlexPay schedule. I don't think I can wait until the 20th to get her.

The pics convinced me I need her now.
My Mystique should be here by the 10th :D
I just have to find a good spot in my room to display her :banghead
I didn't get the one with the big deel :rolleyes:
Just received the EX today. WOW. This is some of Pablo's finest work. Considering his body of work.....that's saying something. Take a bow Pablo. She is stunning.
Got one coming from a LCBS that put an order in for me. I was looking at one in person at another store here in Vegas today and those pants run really low...I LIKE IT!