I am just glad my obi wan wait list converted. It was the one I wanted the most!!! I like the Vader too but I want to wait until the new Vader PF reveal before deciding on that.
Ultimately the Mythos line is not based around the characters as seen on screen (small or big) in any form and as such that is why the Mythos line is currently in its holding pattern. Hopefully it will be green lit again one day. *fingers crossed*
finger crossed indeed. It is a great line full of vision and the statues 'speak'. Hopefully you can work out a deal with Disney.
Yeah, it would be great, if Disney allows Sideshow a follow-up Line for Mythos, maybe under the "Legends" or "Visions" Banner?
Clearly marked as "non Canon" or altenative Universe with full of Fan Favorites Characters...![]()
the thing is that Disney has said that everything released from this point (movies, series, games, books, comics....) would be considered canon.
I doubt statues are part of that arrangement but you never know.
Yeah, that`s right, but Hasbro is forced by Disney, to reduce PT Figures and stop re-release EU Figures (like Mara Jade, Grand Moff Thrawn, Darth Bane, Darth Revan etc.)
and focus on the OT (especially ROTJ)!
On the Rebelscum Forum, Gentle Giants "Dreamwalker" also said that EU Statues and Mini Busts aren`t anymore in Development....
So, the old "canon-EU" is in fact "bulldozered" and now called "Legends", so Disney has a free hand to build up their new Plans...Wookiepedia has on all EU Stories and Figures a new Legends Label...
So, in fact beside the 6 Films and TCW, all "Pre-Disney" expanded Universe Stuff is History, and with the new Books, Comics, Games, Rebels Series and the Sequels and Spin Offs, the new "Canon-Era" under Disney Authority begins...
The latest SW Announcements form Gentle Giant and Sideshow are nearly all ROTJ Stuff (Vader PF, Boba PF, Endor Trooper Mini Bust, Endor Luke Mini Bust, 12 Inch Vintage Biker Scout etc.)
So i think the Mythos Concept, with this "fake Stories of famous Charakters in shape of Sideshows Interpretation " doesn`t fit with Disney`s plans, so a Kaleesh Warrior Grievous (earlier EU-now Legends), could collide with Disney`s Plan if they decide in 10-20 Years to produce a "Grievous" Film...
I have no high hopes of a return of Mythos or any EU/Legends Statues...only lot of OT, Rebels and ST Stuff...
That's all very true but I seriously think they are going to reintegrate some previous EU characters and make them canon. I think it was simpler to kill it all and reintegrate piece by piece.
And Mythos so far has only pieces of characters from the movies so it's sort of straddling the line.
Really, really saddened by this news. The Mythos line was the best thing that was Star Wars related to come out of Sideshow.
Another line cancelled by Sideshow?? Impossible!
Everyone seems to think the cancelling of the EU was Disney's decision or fault. It wasn't, it was Lucasfilm's. If you take Marvel as an example, after Disney acquired it they pretty much let Marvel Studios do their own thing without stepping in too much, if at all. They are doing the same with Star Wars. Lucasfilm realized the story they had planned for the new trilogy didn't match up with the EU so they decided to just start the whole thing fresh. If you are mad about your statues not getting made or stories not being canon anymore blame Kathleen Kennedy she is running the whole Star Wars thing from this point forward, not Disney.
Everyone seems to think the cancelling of the EU was Disney's decision or fault. It wasn't, it was Lucasfilm's. If you take Marvel as an example, after Disney acquired it they pretty much let Marvel Studios do their own thing without stepping in too much, if at all. They are doing the same with Star Wars. Lucasfilm realized the story they had planned for the new trilogy didn't match up with the EU so they decided to just start the whole thing fresh. If you are mad about your statues not getting made or stories not being canon anymore blame Kathleen Kennedy she is running the whole Star Wars thing from this point forward, not Disney.
A slight bit of hope from Sideshow's SDCC panel:
Q: Loved the Ralph McQuarrie reveals. You mentioned there is a similarity to the Star Wars Mythos collection, are you guys ever going to go back and do any more Mythos?
A: We would definitely love to at some point! Our team has actually done quite a few designs that we are excited about, but we want to hold off showing them until the plans are more finalized. If and when the announcement does come, we also want to make sure we have a good lineup to get everyone excited about the continuation of the series.
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for an announcement from Sideshow saying that they have decided to continue on with this line, but maybe if they see on the forums that there still is an interest it could happen.