The problem is they didn't cut the crap. They cut everything. They could have kept so much of the good stuff in the EU and chose not to out of the selfishness and pretentiousness of the people working on the franchise creatively now. They say they will use the EU as a resource so maybe they will bring some stuff back eventually, but most likely not. For example, they appear to be erasing the much loved Force Unleashed story as the creation of the Rebellion to make the stupid new cartoon. Just like when they erased my favorite Star Wars story ever told and replaced it with a juvenile story in the clone wars cartoon.
-Obviously they did not develop the EU. That is the point. They decided to show no respect to the people who worked on the franchise before them who in many instances did superior work to the stuff they seem keen on keeping/making.
-The fact that so many stories interweaved made the galaxy feel rich and real. Yes, again, there was a lot of crap but I'd argue there is a lot more good than you seem to think. I think there are EU stories that are better than the films.
-Just because you are not an EU fan personally does not mean what Disney is doing is any less wrong. If something you cared about, like the films, were erased you'd be up in arms. You just can't seem to empathize with anyone who likes different things than you.
-And lastly, I don't appreciate being called a "fanboy" who is "uttering nonsense" because I am annoyed that Disney took the countless hours and dollars I spent absorbing EU stories and in one felt swoop erased them from the canon to be forgotten to time. Are they going to write me a check for all of the EU material and collectibles I bought that payed lucasfilm employee's salaries for years? And characters that I fell in love with which were always part of the canon no longer have any meaning or importance to the universe?
Disney stabbed me in the back, and again, unless they are going to refund me the thousands of dollars of material I bought that was advertised as canon over the years they can go to hell.
Dude, you need to take a chill-pill... severe over reaction.
Have you (and do you still) enjoy all that you have spent thousands on? I'm guessing, yes? So who gives a flying-**** whether it's considered "canon" or not. If the kid down the road wrote an amazing Star Wars story and I enjoyed, I wouldn't care if it has been "validated" by Disney as canon or not.
You guys getting all twisted up over this **** really need to find another hobby - or a life - because you should just been thankful that all of this exists. It's not going anywhere - it's just not canon.
Wonder what this will mean for the proposed Ralph McQuarrie line ... I was looking forward to that.
What happened to this thread?! Guys we're not the Marvel section. Lets settle down and talk about what we all love. STAR WARS.
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I understand people being upset about the EU being swept under the rug. But just because it's "not canon" now doesn't change the fact that those stories exist and you can continue to read and enjoy them. Nothing outside of the films and Clone Wars is ever officially canon until they reference it and acknowledge it. So in a way, nothing has really changed. Clone Wars canonized a lot of random segments of the EU, and Rebels and the new trilogy will probably continue to do so. I see more reason to get mad about Disney's "No EU-based collectibles" mandate than them wiping away the old continuity.
Basically, you have the power to choose your own continuity. And if the old novels and comics and video games are important to you and mean something to you, then they can still be a part of your Star Wars experience.
Dude, you need to take a chill-pill... severe over reaction.
Have you (and do you still) enjoy all that you have spent thousands on? I'm guessing, yes? So who gives a flying-**** whether it's considered "canon" or not. If the kid down the road wrote an amazing Star Wars story and I enjoyed, I wouldn't care if it has been "validated" by Disney as canon or not.
You guys getting all twisted up over this **** really need to find another hobby - or a life - because you should just been thankful that all of this exists. It's not going anywhere - it's just not canon.
Which I understand to an extent, but my problem is I want to see the official franchise go in a certain direction so that the greater audience can enjoy better stories rather than the garbage I think Disney is trying to shove down their throats. I want to share the great stories and see them adapted to films and television shows (That aren't for ten year olds) to enjoy with friends and families that will be passed down for generations like the current films. And I don't think that is wrong.
Especially as a writer, it is hard for me not to want to see improvement to the storytelling in ways that are just common sense. I feel like any first year film or business student would look at the Disney board room and go, "Are you people crazy?"
This is really a shame. The characters we've seen so far aren't really EU...more so just characters in poses not seen in the movies. I don't see why SS could not continue to build pieces based on original characters. I must be missing something here. Not sure why Mythos Part 2 can't be a group like Bossk, wookie warrior (from ROTS), Bib Fortuna, Han, etc.. So many characters to choose from.
What's the news re Lucasfilm properties (ie. star killer)? Is that all gone?
I just think it's a little early to judging the direction Disney is taking the franchise when we know next to nothing about Episode VII and only have a few brief clips of Rebels to go on. Just because the old Expanded Universe is gone doesn't mean they won't be taking lessons from the stories that worked and retaining the more important characters like the Solo children and Mara Jade.
I'm of the mindset that it's better for the new movies to not have to work within the framework of the Expanded Universe, because it limits them to either telling stories between the beats of those dozens and dozens of novels or merely adapting something like the Thrawn Trilogy that's already been told. Neither option is that appealing to me. It would be one thing if the new trilogy were leaving the old characters behind and jumping farther ahead into the timeline, but they're clearly trying to mine the OT cast as much as they can right now.
99% of EU is non-canon.
Actually, 100% of it is non-canon. Isn't that what expanded universe means? Star Wars stories that aren't officially Star Wars?
As far as Disney's handling of the franchise I don't think it is too early to judge. Based on everything they have done so far with the killing of the EU and focusing on the kid stuff literally everything they have done is bad.