you do realize pitu was rippin on this piece the other night, right? i wouldn't take his post seriously...
i was ripping on the fact that Ill wet his pants about him

you do realize pitu was rippin on this piece the other night, right? i wouldn't take his post seriously...
That's a statement that I prefer to see rather than the standard, "Lame" or "Horrible" or my favorite "Pass".It's human nature to see the pic and love it or hate it. Most of the haters(me included) have said that although we think it is substandard by the pic shown, we'll hold final judgement until production pics are released.
^^^^ you....i was ripping on the fact that Ill wet his pants about himhe sure likes men in speedos!!!!!
^^^^ you....
When the comiquettes are few and far between, I don't know why Sideshow picked Namor of all the characters available.
When the comiquettes are few and far between, I don't know why Sideshow picked Namor of all the characters available.
sideshow has said on more than 1 occasion that its not necessarily them who dictates what characters they work on. You should probably direct your frustration at Marvel...
I'd venture to say that a Daredevil is already in the works, since we got an LSB for him, there really seems to be a patter with LSB's and PF's.Would the fact Bowen is doing a Daredevil FS put off SS getting out a PF or Comiquette
for the forseeable future as Marvel tries to balance the variety available for statue collectors and avoid saturating the market?
Since Namor is out I wonder if a Dr. Strange is possible in the near future?
Apocalypse is the first mutant, not Namor.
I'd buy the Bowen one over this one. jmo.
Namor is the older Marvel character. You guys really need to read more than the X-Men.
Namor is the older Marvel character. You guys really need to read more than the X-Men.
The origin story of Apocalypse relates that he is the first mutant, born 5,000 years ago!
Everybody in the comic universe doesnt know his past which is why they say Namor!