Thunder...really? Really?
Thunder...really? Really?
Assuming the Lakers don't make it the finals it will be Mavs or Spurs. Thunder will be lucky to get passed the Knicks, i mean nuggets,
I think that shot of Jack Nicholson was the highlight of the night.Well Im really proud of our JV squad for putting up a fight. At least the Lakers had to work their azzes off to get this win. Lakers played some big minutes tonight.
Make no mistake though, Spurs absolutely did not want to win this game. In fact, Im pretty sure all the Spurs will be playing tomorrow vs. the Suns. If the Spurs had won, the Lakers would probably have been stuck with the 4th seed and the spurs do not want to face the Lakers in the seond round. They'll save that war for the WCF but they want the Lakers to be nice and tired before that happens.
Should be interesting to see what the final pairings are going to be tomorrow night and Bynum's diagnosis.
That and the shot or shot(s) of Kobe swearing and yelling at his team!! Man was he pissed!
I believe he referred to one of the refs as an f'n ______.
Classy guy
what does that have to do with class? It's no secret that the NBA has some of the worst officials in professional sports.
what does that have to do with class? It's no secret that the NBA has some of the worst officials in professional sports.
Last I checked using that kind of language in a pro game on tv is not very classy at all. you'd never hear Duncan saying something like.