NBA 10-11

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The logic is simple... but let me illuminate the more intellectually challenged.

The reason OT games should count as 'close games' REGARDLESS of final margain is that they required the Heat to play crunch time style basketball. They were either losing and needed to tie, or were forced to prevent the opposing team from winning. HENCE illustrating the teams capacity to win CLOSE GAMES. There's nothing irrational about that. In fact thats as rational as it gets.

Capacity to win close games?? Are you serious??

I love how you turned your team's statistical deficiency into a contrived positive. Who cares what their "capacity" is, it doesnt mean jack unless their unrealized capacity equals a win.

Tell me something, if they get bounced out of the first or second or third round of the playoffs, all in OT losses, do they win a "capacity championship" from you? :nana:
Man I'm going to LOVE rubbing in the final outcome of this season when the Heat win. It'll like be crickets in here as everyones teams get eliminated... but it will be SOOO much fun to post pictures like this...


A red X? SCARY!
It's plain english, unless there's too many "dollar" words for you. Otherwise you're conveniently avoiding the question by playing dumb. Unless you're not playing.
Man I'm going to LOVE rubbing in the final outcome of this season when the Heat win. It'll like be crickets in here as everyones teams get eliminated... but it will be SOOO much fun to post pictures like this...


They won that cause Dallas choked. How many have they won since? Not to mention the league itself is really good right now.

Enjoy that one. You might get 1-2 more at most but you'll never get this many.

Le sigh... It's basketball. Football? I'd understand the passion and idiocy, but basketball? They dribble for Pete's sake.

Agree to disagree and let people have opinions, despite how wrong you think they are-- feel free to point out how they're wrong but please attempt to do it in a semi-forget you're on the internet way.

Damn, looks like a lot of the live streaming sites were taken down today :(.

Anyone got any working sites for watching streaming sports games?
Good game though..

.4 was awesome, one of those things where you remember where you were when it happened

Those last two possessions in that game were crazy. You had Duncan hit that fallaway at the top of the key, then Fisher hits that shot. That game and Game 7 of The '06 Spurs-Mavs series still piss me off.:lol
Those last two possessions in that game were crazy. You had Duncan hit that fallaway at the top of the key, then Fisher hits that shot. That game and Game 7 of The '06 Spurs-Mavs series still piss me off.:lol

"One lucky shot deserves another" - Shaq

For me it was Barkley's J over Robinson. That one still pisses me off, along with .4, to this day :mad:
Wow, takes me back to my high school days collecting all those cups. I think I have the Dream Team cups somewhere around here too. Probably still has the Sprite stains in 'em :monkey4 :rotfl
Wow, takes me back to my high school days collecting all those cups. I think I have the Dream Team cups somewhere around here too. Probably still has the Sprite stains in 'em :monkey4 :rotfl

We got two sets of the Dream Team cups when I was a kid. One for me and my brother. I am positive my mother still has them somewhere.:lol