NBA 10-11

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Durant is gonna be a great one. I really enjoy watching him play and how he approaches the game.
Thats one of the things I like the most a good head on his shoulders. Doesn't come across as someone who feels a since of entitlement like a trio of douches in Miami. ;)
Can't wait for the Celtics to punk the Heat come playoff time. You think LeQuit will storm out again w/ out shaking hands and talking to the media?.. That guys a peckerhead. I don't think I've ever seen a more top heavy team. 1 injury means complete disaster.
Personal feelings aside, I think BOS is gonna win it all this year. I think Spurs will reach the Finals but I think BOS will win.

And yes,"F" LeBron. I never had anything against him or the Heat but after what he did to poor Cleveland, you can only root against them. Although I do like Wade, it sucks he got caught up in LeBron's sh&t storm.
I think it will either be Bos, LA, or the Spurs. Experienced teams in the finals. I will say that I do think the Bulls have a real chance to at the very least get to the East Finals and possibly the Finals.
I think it will either be Bos, LA, or the Spurs. Experienced teams in the finals. I will say that I do think the Bulls have a real chance to at the very least get to the East Finals and possibly the Finals.

I think the only way Boston doesn't come out of the East is if someone gets hurt. I don't see anyone in the East beating a healthy Boston.
No I was counting OT and actually they're 3-8 in games decided by 5 or less. My bad, I stand corrected. Bottom line is their record is still sh***y, lol.

12/18 95-94 vs. was
1/28 88-87 vs. det
1/30 108-103 vs. okc

11/5 No 96-93
11/9 Ut 116-114 ot
11/11 Bos 112-107
11/20 Mem 97-95
12/20 Dal 98-96
1/15 Chi 99-96
1/18 Atl 93-89 ot
1/27 Ny 93-88

PS, except for Mem, all those losses are against playoff teams. And Mem is only 1 game out from an 8th seed.


1/7 Mil 101-95 OT
1/9 Port 107-100 OT


Oh and the last 3 losses by 5 or less were pretty much losses to injuries.
Loss at NY had NO BOSH
Loss to Atlanta had NO BOSH
Loss at Chicago had NO BRON and NO BOSH for 4th qtr.

Pretty sure Bosh and or Bron are worth 4 points (avg of loss margain) what do you think?

Keep thinking the HEat are ____ty. I'll post back here in June to rub in how '____ty' they arent
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Those two games you counted in OT where past the 5 point mark you're talking about. So they dont count in that statistics.

The Bulls didn't play that game at 100% either. :lol Also if it wasn't for a bad Q2 we'd have blown your ass right out of the United Center. Not to mention the Bulls have played a massive 6 games all year long with all their guys healthy. Looking forward to the game in Chicago after the All-Star break. We should both be at 100% and we can send your ass back to Miami with another L.
How can you NOT count those games as CLOSE?! LOL... OT is TIED at the end of regulation!
If you want to get crazier they're 2-5 in games by 3 points or less 9-12 against teams .500 or above, and 2-2 in OT. The Washington Wizards have a better record in games decided by 3 points or less and a better record in OT.
By that logic its a MARK OF DISTINCTION to lose only close games... it shows they never get blown out.

Frankly I think your stats are garbage facts 'pundits' hold onto to make them selves feel like they're team ACTUALLY has a chance...

quite frankly I'll take Bron/Wade/Bosh healthy on my Heat over Boozer/Noah/Rose ANY day
By that logic its a MARK OF DISTINCTION to lose only close games... it shows they never get blown out.

Frankly I think your stats are garbage facts 'pundits' hold onto to make them selves feel like they're team ACTUALLY has a chance...

quite frankly I'll take Bron/Wade/Bosh healthy on my Heat over Boozer/Noah/Rose ANY day

Thats one way of looking at it. After a while it becomes they cant close out games like that.

The stats are just stats I'm tossing out and I don't care what you think about them.

Guess we'll see where things fall out in the end. I remember the heat talking ____ back in the day and Chicago slapped the taste right out of their mouth back then too.
blah blah blah Miami has the worst fans in sports blah blah blah

Miami sucks. It will always suck. Now and forever.


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What? In the last 18 games they've (the Heat) beaten Knicks twice, Utah, Atlanta, New Orleans and the Lakers... combined record 108-64. They lost to 1 +.500 team... Dallas by 2 points in a game they had a chance to win.

They are 5-8 in games decided by 5 or less AND overtime (2 wins by 5+). Look it up. I also hardly think of OKC as bad.

Frankly I think your stats are garbage facts 'pundits' hold onto to make them selves feel like they're team ACTUALLY has a chance...

Anyone else see the irony in this post? :)

The stat is games decided by 5 points or less. Not close games that count OT.

:lecture I thought my post was retard-proof but...

LOL are you retarded?

Man I'm going to LOVE rubbing in the final outcome of this season when the Heat win. It'll like be crickets in here as everyones teams get eliminated... but it will be SOOO much fun to post pictures like this...
